
Fitz is deeply in love with Olivia. He fell in love with Olivia when she became his campaign fixer. The reason he acts so desperate around her, he can't have her all the time. Can you imagine being married and not having sex for 10 yrs? Fitz said Mellie shut him out from having sex for 10yrs. He has gotten a dose

I loved seeing Olivia and Fitz working together, they get each other, he listens to her and they're able to accomplish a goal. I don’t have to see them making out right now, but it was fun to watch Liv melt. All Fitz has to do is breathe on her and bang, she’s hooked. Can the writers please find a way for Mellie

LOL, any hook-up for Mellie right now would be good.

I don’t mind them taking a break from the romance, but why waste two talented people who have so much chemistry together by coming up with ridiculous storylines to keep them apart. Every program has their main couple and so does Scandal (Liv and Fitz). They’re sad when they are not together, constantly thinking

I will continue to watch Scandal for Shonda and Kerry. What Shonda Rhimes has done for television is amazing. This episode of Scandal was boring, Mellie's scenes were boring and crazy. I knew as soon as she called that meeting, the murder had been solved. She no longer makes sense, we know she's grieving, but we don't

You don't risk everything for an object. He's never demonstrated that with Mellie. Hell he didn't even accompany her to her obstetrician apps.while she was pregnant. I can only debate on what has been portrayed on Scandal. All of Fitz's actions point to a man who is desperately in love with someone who's not his wife.

I beg to differ, Fitz loves Olivia. I don't think anyone is going to go to the lengths of risking losing the presidency by not giving a darn about his wife going on national television to expose his affair. I mean he didn't even pick up the damn phone or text to say I'm sorry don't do it. He put her FBI most wanted

I'm not saying she can't grieve, but I don't want to spend anymore significant time on this storyline. We know she's grieving, so is Fitz. We don't expect them to be back to normal. Also, Mellie stated that she was no longer going to monitor Fitz, but in the same sentence she wants to know if he sees Liv to let her

Oh her grief is real, but it's the guilt of not bonding with her son that's eating her up. As she stated herself, "she kept her distance from him." Could you imagine losing a child that you didn't bond with? Her grief and guilt are reaching the finish line at the same time. As for liking her character, I don't have

However, it's not grief but guilt that's killing Mellie. She chose not to bond with her own child and now he's gone. Not only that, were all of her evil plotting throughout the years worth it in the end? Sitting down and negotiating with the man who brutally raped you for political aspirations, inducing labor and

Yes they could do a divorce storyline and Fitz needs to initiate it without Liv's help. We know Fitz and Liv are in love with each other. How many seasons are we going to have to wait to see them as a actual couple? All of these other pairings are just a distraction-Liv/Jake, Fitz/Mellie, are so unbelievable as a

Well last night I thought I was watching “12 years as a Slave,” but it was Scandal, so after 3 years this is what Olivia’s character has been reduced to. I was expecting her to say at any moment, “I will survive,” channeling Solomon Northrup. Oh and I was waiting on Mellie to tell Fitz, “My bed is too holy for you to

This was an excellent episode and the reason I don’t miss Scandal on any Thursday. All of the characters were brought together so well and defined. James, Liv, Jake, Cyrus, Rowan, Fitz, and David. You could truly see the compassion and pain in everyone’s dialogue tonight. Although Jake was the murderer, I couldn’t

The writers need to put Olivia and Fitz together, make it happen. I don't see a Chris Brown situation here- I see a married man who is in alove with another woman (happens everyday). When she was in the hosiptal, he was right there ( I know men who don't got to the hospital to see their own wives). Adultery is

Hell no I’m not a shipper; I didn’t even know what that was until I started watching Scandal. I’m someone who watches this program for entertainment, and dammit, they are doing a helluva job. What I don’t understand is why people like you think their relationship is soooooo bad and its television. There have been

The closet scene was purely consensual. They
both missed each other and it was hot and sexy. Now the shower scene with Fitz and Mellie, that was attempted rape by Mellie. Fitz loves Olivia as he has stated to his wife’s face.
He bought Olivia their dream house, he wanted to give up the presidency for her, it was

Bravo, well stated, but don't let this reviewer or the people who post on the AV Club get to you, they are all about Mellie winning. They are a small minority of fans. There are millions of fans who have watched Scandal from the start and want their leading lady and man to be together. Kerry Washington is the reason

I'm watching Scandal, along with millions of other people. Kerry is delivering the lines that are given to her. Olivia's life has been turned upside down, anyone else would have had a nervous breakdown. She can't be all badass after finding out the truth about her mother and father. She's not superwoman, which I'm

This was Scandal at its best. A television show with so many diverse actors. We have the actors like Perry, Goldwyn, Morton, and Burton with years of experience, mixed with the younger actors, Kerry, Diaz, Lowes, and Charlie (my favorite hit man) who all do a fantastic job. As I read this review, it seems to me

Why not slap Fitz. So Mellie is going to slap the woman her husband fell in love with, which she was fine with them sleeping together in season one. The same woman she invited to the state dinner (epic scene, Liv looked beautiful as usual) so her husband could see Olivia, so he could “sleep like a baby.” She should