
There's so much about slavery that we still don't know, due greatly to our educational system. I want to know all of the horrific atrocities that happened to our United States citizens, although America didn't view them as citizens.

The lead actress is great, she's the main reason I'm watching the show. The fact that she's black is more true to life for me. Black women really shined at the summer Olympics, in almost every sport event. From swimming to gymnastics to track and field. They even medaled in fencing. So it's perfect that

Can you send your post to the Scandal writers? If this is the direction of the show, I am very sad.

The only reason I started watching Scandal is because of Kerry. If she ever leaves, Scandal is dead. The Olivia Pope character is what made Scandal. No other character's storyline could lead Scandal. This current POTUS election story has Scandal hanging by a string.As far as the faces she makes, Kerry is beautiful so

I'm sorry you are wrong with regards to my feelings towards Olivia killing Andrew. I"m seeing a lot of people in her corner for the killing. Let's see a guy who had Olivia taken for hostage and almost killed doesn't get any sympathy on Scandal. It's about time Olivia knocked someone upside the head. Also, finally she

It's all so confusing and ridiculous. Now Scandal was all about Olivia's journey. For five and a half yrs, Scandal has began and ended seasons with Olivia and Fitz's love affair. But now we are to believe something totally different. Fitz has been manipliating Olivia the entire time. When he was going to give up the

No, the chemistry between Olivia and Fitz is the best I've seen on screen. None of the women can compete with Olivia. Olivia is totally opposite from the same everyday leading ladies and that has always been refreshing for Scandal. Kerry Washington makes Tony Goldwyn look good. It worked, but now the writers have

Olivia was alone and didn't have anyone there to hold her hand. I wish she had told Abby. I feel better about the episode. I'm a die heart Olitz fan so I'm hoping they will continue to see each other on Olivia's terms.

Both Olivia and Fitz need time. People don't get divorce one week and began living with their girlfriend the next week, except if you are Steve Harvey. It was painful, because this type of episode should have happened at least three years ago. Tony G. said himself he was surprised that it took them so long to

They both are better people together. They work well together. Olivia and Fitz are the ultimate power couple.

Stating Olivia would make a better President is my opinion. She was boss, I liked it. I've watched Scandal from the beginning because of Kerry Washington's portrayal of Olivia Pope, which has become an extremely popular character. If there's ever a time she's not on Scandal, I'm done, oh, and so would Scandal.

It's very good without Mellie. We have had many episodes without Mellie or David. Scandal works best when Olivia is the center of the story line. Mellie doesn't have enough material to keep Scandal going for an entire hour. Her speeches last week served its purpose. She can't say that stuff every week. It doesn't

Olivia is Rowan’s daughter, but her goal is to help people solve their problems (Scandals). She’s not evil. She may do whatever is necessary, but at the end of the day she wants justice for her client. This was a much better episode than last week. Scandal works best when the story line is more centered on Olivia,

The Mellie character is extremely unlikable and disturbing to me. It wouldn't surprise me if she would sleep with Papa Pope. It's very apparent that she would be willing to get in the bed with Olivia and Fitz This character cannot make it on her own like other supporting characters, so the writers have to glue her to

Yes, you totally got it right. I wrote a comment just the other day, asking what were they going to do with Mellie? She’s only relevant as an adversary to Olivia
and Fitz and boom we got our answer. I’ve never seen a show where the leading female actress has to drag along another supporting actress. Quinn and

I’m responding to your comment:
“but she has got to stop undercutting her strong black female heroines by making them lust after abusive men who are drowning in their own privilege.”

Why do black women always have to be so strong and without feelings? Olivia is in love with the POTUS. She has normal feelings just like her white counterparts. I've seen so many programs with white women jumping in and out of bed with hundreds of men and the American TV audience accepted it. This one little petite

What is so good is it is totally believable that they are that much in love with one another. Kudos to Kerry and Tony for making us believe in Olivia and Fitz's love. Especially Tony, the way he makes Fitz's mood change as soon as Olivia walks in the room. I don't know if any other people could have made me and so

I agree with your post.I liked the episode. The affair is out and it’s about time. All Mellie wants is Fitz, no amount of money, hero worshipping of her, house, or presidential run will satisfy her. She doesn’t have Fitz and after last night’s episode, it was proven, he’s her prize and she doesn’t want to lose him.

Fitz and Mellie have zero chemistry. If you call two people who want to murder each other chemistry, then yeah they have it. I'm so glad they have finally decided to break up their non existent relationship. The show has already gotten better. Now we can have the weekly cases and Olivia and Fitz working together