
Sorry, it says here that I'm rubber and you're glue.

Female poltergeists just aren't believable, sorry.

Because they're dead.

The hell does that even mean.

Seriously, what a little shit you are.

I have read it, probably before you, but hey, thanks for being an asshole. An wrong. So totally and utterly wrong. Try actually reading it next time. Dickhead.

It was "Born in the USA" for me. And yes. Exactly that. I had a debate with a Jewish and far less pacifist friend with me on the side of punching Nazis and her on the side of "don't punch people, defeat their rhetoric" and we had to pause and appreciate the irony.

I might be shaming my own relative lack of action, internally.

So try not to get charged.

Their love for the lowest forms of irony certainly doesn't rule that out, but I'm gonna wait until ADL and SPLC get on board before I start calling it anything but a hoax.

Very possible. Sometimes the assholes shout loudest. Be the asshole you want to see in the world.

That's not really a white power gesture. It's a 4chan hoax to promote disinformation and make people look dumb for falling for it.

You don't "sign up", especially for antifa. You take action.

Also, the Democratic Party should have known better than to select a candidate for whom the right had been sharpening their knives for twenty-some years. There's almost no politician the Republicans have been fomenting distrust of for as long as they have to Ms. Clinton.

You were doing ok until you tried to project a uniform Clinton-hating thesis onto the left. -5 points, please revisit your work.

I've had fun joking about the alt-center recently, but now the fun is even getting sucked out of parody.

Even the rise of concerns over "political correctness" is an example of this, as it started as a humorous term of occasional self-criticism within the left.

Gandhi chose non-violence against the occupying British for tactical reasons at least as much as moral or ethical ones. He recognized that the British weren't as ready to put down peaceful protesters as they were any kind of armed or more active rebellion. He used their belief in their own basic decency against them.

Punching a Nazi is illegal and heroic. I wholeheartedly support all Nazi punchers, while still believing that assault is wrong and should have criminal consequences. It's complicated. I have trouble with this, as a lifelong pacifist. But at the same time: punch more Nazis.

The Nazis were showing up armed either way, because if violence had not erupted (and it was their intent for it to erupt, make no mistake), they would still serve their other intent of intimidation of those who would oppose them, and of those they target in action and rhetoric.