
I'm told this was an inaccurate hearing, and it is not in transcripts. Haven't listened to the audio myself yet.

This is a lie.

State-sanctioned homicide: still the best murders you can commit and get paid for.

Found the Trump voter racist!

Fuller has said that they ended every season as if it could be the series finale, just in case they got canceled. So chances are we'd be saying the same thing no matter which season ended, though I'l grant you that S3 was potentially a lot *more* final.

The character in question, at least in the comics, has powers that make her unnaturally lucky, allowing her to escape harm in situations where the odds of doing so were astronomically low.

My wife has this same problem. She's so frequently complaining about the doors left open that now I'm noticing it as well, and am equally furious.

Oh, what, Terry Pratchett wasn't available?

I'm not implying that they are. But they are all bound up in a massively interconnected Marvel Universe with a deep history, few logistical problems for cross-title appearances, and an unlimited budget to draw whatever you want on the page. Another major case revolves around Rick Jones and his unbelievably

Counterpoint: ew?

I've been rewatching You're the Worst lately with a friend, happily introducing him to what I consider to be one of the greatest TV shows of all time. During one episode, he was marveling at some the dialogue between Gretchen and Lindsey, and asked who wrote it, and whether they were a woman. I checked online real

There's a comic book for that character already, well, if you drop an L. He's a former super-soldier and officially sanctioned police officer who hunts super-powered criminals (and high profile heroes covering up their crimes) — while dressed in over-the-top fascist regalia — in a world obsessed with superheroes.

There are the lies we tell others, and there are the lies we tell ourselves.

You should probably just admit — even if only to yourself — that your initial comment was crap and then move on with life.

Some of your jokes were not explained. Please correct this in the final draft.

Counterpoint: the agonizing 228 minutes of the "life and death brigade" in the Fall installment of the GG revival.

I totally missed that a filmmaker whose I really like was taking over completion of a movie I'm uninterested in that was primarily filmed and written by a person whose work I absolutely hate and then I see that the reason is an actual tragedy in the original director's personal life and now I feel both totally out of

My take on the dragon thing is that he should have matter-of-fact told people about it but nobody believes him (especially Luke Cage) and it's never shown what transpired in the cave so the audience can actually take it as literal or allegorical however they feel like it. But it's not allegorical, people just assume

"New York itself is treated as a character", said nobody about anything ever.

Diamondback doesn't even make sense on paper. He should have been three separate people: the (secret) half-brother that framed Luke, the mercenary with high tech weapons hired to kill Cage, and the crime boss behind Cottonmouth.