
No, but I'm calling my dom to set up an appointment.

They're waiting to be issued their opinions.

Luke Cage pulled it back together once Diamondback was dealt with. I hope they decide not to bring him back despite setting him up for a return.

Daredevil season 2 seemed to get this at first, but lost track of it when he returned to paint a symbol of death on his chest and heroically snipe some ninjas.

Punisher is the worst. I hate that they're missing the point of him, which is that he's a villain and a serial killer who considers himself a hero, and exists in the narrative to show heroes the dark side of their missions and their thirst for "justice".

I think a lot of people hate on Karen as a character for a few things they should be blaming on the writers, like her terrible hero editorial.

One problem there is that her cases in the comics draw on fifty-some years of Marvel Comics history, and involve things like her being tricked into discovering Captain America's secret identity. But then in the MCU, Cap has been back for like seven months, doesn't seem to have ever had a secret identity, and

IF would have been a great choice with a different showrunner and a focus on the Matt Fraction (with Ed Brubaker at first) run of the comic. The various flashbacks would have been expensive, though, considering how awkward it was when IF just tried to do a trip to current day China. Those budgetary limitations are

What are you talking about? The article says Daredevil! You lieberals need to learn how to read! If it had been corrected, there would be an editor's note saying so!

The shrunken balls really help increase the impression of cock size.

Yeah, but on rewatching the series, I realized that while I'm not one of the people who hated the ending, I am one of the people who is increasingly creeped out by almost everything Barney does, and am pretty ok with his story ending badly.

They threw me once by increasing the character length, so I added a 0.

One solution to this is to sync all your password rotations to the shortest timer, and when that prompts you to update, you go ahead and update all the systems to that new password. The other systems will think you're so fucking secure that you have chosen to update your passwords more frequently than required.

Seriously though, check out The Orphanage.

So… yeah. This was maybe overly optimistic. In my defense, I had no idea who Scott Buck was.

If you get it, chip in a few bucks extra to go ad-free. Your time is worth it.

Comedy Central and FX shows, mostly.

Silly me, I just went out and bought a CD of it.

If it got perennially insufferable asswipes Danzig and Rollins even a little bit mad, it did its job, and I can basically guarantee you that it did, because they are both garbage people.

Counterpoint: it's pretty great.