
They should just follow him all around the golf course in armored SUVs. Too bad about the grass, President Asswipe.

I changed nothing. My running gag of suggesting Paul Giamatti for all acting roles stayed mine and mine alone. I used only one name, and one user icon. And I never wore pants.

OK, sure, but who's been keeping them trained to fly to and from the abandoned keep? Westeros has a surprisingly effective mail delivery system considering single-copy messages are sent via small animal.

Lost upvote at "fake nerds".

My hot take on that is he wanted one specifically positioned to fall through the ice for safekeeping, and an unspecified amount of time passed before that last scene and his army returning with the chains.

To the Nightmobile, chum!

Or maybe he specifically wanted one that would fall in the ice-cold water, preserving it more thoroughly during whatever amount of time passed between then and the scene an unspecified amount of time later where they're dredging the body up with chains.

OK, if we're gonna nitpick this fucking show to death (apparently we are), I'm fine with the chains, and I can handle the time compression of some travel here and there — I don't think we know how big this continent actually is anyway. At least, I sure don't. But how much effort has been spent making sure that the

Did you try accounting for it with a belly full of hot air from all the fire, which they can expel or accumulate as needed, but doesn't inflate them visibly because of their incredibly tough skeleton and hide that can withstand the pressurization?

No, they got… iced.

Serpentine, Rickon, serpentine!

This was originally supposed to be the final season, wasn't it? But then HBO convinced them to do two short ones?

I don't even read fan theories, and I figured Bran would warg into one of the dragons to intervene last night. But I guess someone still has to convince him to allow himself to intervene, first. Third episode to last, next season?

My wife said "wait, who just died?", and I said "I think it was Wildling #1."

I love the other two, so I guess I should find out what Brockmire is.


I signed up for them and went on one date. Nice girl, music nerd like me. Shy like me. No chemistry at all. I don't think either of us really knew how a date with someone you'd never met was supposed to work.

Hey you guys, Carl can't stop posting until he gets the last word.

I once heard a Drake song I really liked while drunk in a cab. I occasionally try to figure out what song it was, listen to a couple random Drake snippets thinking something will jog my memory, and remember that I'm not drunk in a cab.
