
I can't say it necessarily diminishes the first one, but I agree that the show felt like it was done. It told its story. But I'll check the new stuff out, too.

New Boris album is super-slow. I feel bad now that I already have a gift wrapped copy for a friend who probably won't like it much. Oops! I like it, but it's not the right Boris style for her, probably.

I hate to break this to you…

Ronan is, if anything, less interesting in the comics.

I got a Community notification for this?

The epic eyeroll on the face of the woman being blamed is also pretty damn well worth it.

Did anyone ever do slow, sad Solsbury Hill for a trailer? That would be great and terrible.

Yeah, I almost mentioned that. It's a way to add dialogue and characterization, but it shouldn't be the only way. Even for the thought bubble free comics, soliloquys seem easier to pull off on the page than in the screen.

I'm not a huge Starlin fan, myself. I do like Thanos as written by Jonathan Hickman, at least when it feels like Hickman's ideas rather than writing him to fulfill editorial mandates.

"This isn't some kind of metaphor. Goddamn, this is real."

Seems like everyone should have put one penny on the Never-1 odds — if you do win, infinity cents is basically just as good as infinity dollars.

It's set up in a total "this is an easter egg for now, and we can ignore it completely or actually use it if we want". The character doesn't appear, and people who don't know the comics wouldn't bat an eye at the reference.

I heard they would be adding his Spider-sense in the next film… adding that would give them an excuse to start paring back the tech as he discovers that he's better off stripping back the visual overlays and AI advice in order to focus on his newly expanded senses.

They make enough money off of X-Men that they're sure they can expand their version of the Marvel Universe by adding Fantastic Four to the mix, but they keep screwing it up (like they screw up X-Men two-thirds of the time,. only less profitably).

I'd like them to get the movie rights, but use them as supporting characters as they're doing with The Hulk. Primarily because a well-adapted Doom is the greatest of all Marvel villains.

Interstellar school buses.

I'm a bit concerned at how crap I expect Thanos to be. His cameo and bonus scene appearances have been trivial, mostly consisting of some really intense sitting-in-chairs. In the comics, more often than not, he's an utterly uncompelling heavy who's literally unstoppable right up until someone remembers he's

But what do they pour over the frames? Like, shellac or something?

I figured that out soon after asking. The fundamental gap between it being clever and truly brilliant is that "the crimes he wasn't convicted of" is an externally exerted thing, more analogous to "the notes the audience doesn't hear"…

I think the biggest problem with Lucy is that the vast majority of the dumb is left in a huge pile to litter the final act of the film, so it's hard to remember the parts that were fun when that's the note it ends on.