
Wait, shit, I get it now. The notes that aren't there, etc.

Feel like unpacking it for me?

Basically my reaction.

It'll do.

At least then it wouldn't be the writer's dumb choices making me sad.

Worst finale ever? In a world where Battlestar Galactica's finale exists? Your opinion is objectively and critically wrong.

Did anyone else watch this episode and wonder why they were still bothering with this series?

This article is a beautiful, self-congratulatory, snark-filled distillation of everything that's wrong with mainstream science reporting. Thank you.

It can be neither of two things.

Not all corn! #notallcorn

Well, it was the idea that he naturally came into conflict with other animal avatars, though most were more pretenders to the role or some such. It just hooked me as an interesting new take on him. The payoff really declined quickly, though. I think it would be better if he'd brainstormed the idea and then handed

You are. He did hang out with a bunch of other anthropomorphized animals, though.

Hey, have you considered fucking off?


I had a guy I generally respect tell me he couldn't drink whiskey that was made from wheat because it would make him throw up and have a terrible headache from the gluten and to my immense sadness, it wasn't a gag.

Or, to phrase that more simply: passover is bullshit.

Here's a good one: just as there is no historical evidence that Jesus was a real person executed by the Roman government (a record-keeping society), there is no evidence that a large population of Jewish people were ever enslaved in ancient Egypt (a record-keeping society), let alone staged a massive revolt and

It's what they all agree it is, in a nod-and-wink-and-collect-the-tithes-while-paying-no-taxes sort of way.

Maybe that invalidation will cause her to question her faith while she's still young enough to separate faith from identity and she'll have an easier time walking away from the church? Maybe they actually did something good? By accident?

Let's see what Merriam-Webster* has to say about that.