
But I like saltines!

Now you're cooking with gas!

And Cain was all, "so you like blood sacrifice, huh?"

Please get tested and diagnosed by an actual medical doctor, not one of those mail order poop diagnostic services.

It's almost like they know, deep down, it's all bullshit.

So they're irrelevant to my comment, but relevant to yours?

It was a big problem for them when the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man came out and people were all "oh man, didn't we just get three of these like twenty-three years ago?" and then those people's pedantic friends were all "four, you drooling idiot. You're forgetting the Japanese one."

They also used him way too soon. Comic Malekith is too similar (in broad strokes) to Loki to have him as the main villain right after filling a secondary villain role in Thor and primary villain role in Avengers. They're both deceitful, manipulative, evil trickster magicians, Malekith is just more overtly evil. So

I'm hoping it means they're going to adapt the Marvel Godzilla series from the 1970s.

I think it's safe to say you're stretching the list's parameters a bit.

I think the Ed Norton one directed by… I literally have no idea who directed it… was actually good. I was disappointed when Ed Norton got recast (which is another stupid movie business story entirely), but Mark Riffalo has also been good in the role, so… yeah, anyway… I think it's underrated.

Randall Park's middle name is "Chris".

I tend to think of anime/manga styles having small mouths much of the time, except when showing extreme reaction shots.

I'm minty fresh!

I think the key clever-but-obvious bit that worked for me with the whole spider-deity-avatar thing was the detail about how many of his villains (or sometimes villains) are tied to animal motifs… Rhino, Vulture, Black Cat, Kraven's lion motif… (looks at a wiki)… Doctor Octopus, The Lizard, Jackal, Tarantula, Man-Wolf,

Everything that GotG got right with music (and that's not to say they got everything right), GotG v2 got wrong. I still enjoyed the movie, but the soundtrack aspect fell down in a desperately cringe-inducing way.

I was trying to remember where that song appeared in Robocop 2, then realized you didn't say sequel and, look, life is too short to watch the remake.

OK, but how did Wright get Gunn to agree that the soundtrack to GoTG v2 should be objectively terrible?

JMS has often shown a tendency to start out with neat ideas and then increasingly phone it in as a story goes on. Babylon 5 may be the exception rather then the rule, and even then only if you stop watching at the end of season 4 (and can white knuckle through season 1 in the first place). Rising Stars? Don't even

You can't spell "Ewok" without "woke".