
Back up a step, you missed it.

I'm just wondering how many first films this franchise is going to have as they repeatedly walk away from the previous unloved dog turd of a movie.

That actually sounds like a great concept in the right hands.

I'm actually pretty okay with a 2:1 ratio of political intrigue to rad face-punching.

The following is basically my unedited thought process while watching this trailer:

Be prepared to muddle through some really awful day players in season one. I can handle the low budget and dated effects easily, but whoever was in charge of casting actors for single episode appearances the first year must have owed a gaggle of untalented people a whole lot of favors.

I… had forgotten that.

This will make it slightly less fun for me to rant about now.

Bong Joon-Ho's Snowpiercer? No credit to the people that wrote and drew the graphic novel it was an adaptation of?

Cats will poison themselves by drinking antifreeze, which tastes sweet to them. Do we blame them for their lack of taste, or the jerks that left poison out where it could hurt them?

During Okja’s Cannes premiere, audiences booed the Netflix logo.

Which bar?

This show is the source of my all-time favorite one-liner: "Gee, when you said he only had one eyebrow, I kind of assumed it went over both eyes!"

Have you heard the band, Blood of Heroes, particularly their first, self-titled album?

Jarmusch is one of my all-time favorite directors, and probably the only one to stay in the top 3 as people like del Toro, Cronenberg, Gilliam, and a couple others fight for and occasionally oust someone from the other two spots. So good. I'm even one of the seventeen people that liked The Limits of Control.

Totally missed Paterson in theatres, so I guess I can wait a month longer.

This trailer is way, way less spoiler-y than the last one. Did you web the editing guy who did trailer #2 to a tree, along with a note about everything he did wrong?

My point, or one of my points because I generally lack focus, is that it seems like you're demanding something of this film that it doesn't look to be trying to be. I don't think genetic engineering is the primary topic of the film so much as a sci-fi "how" to get at the thematic "whys" of our disconnect from food

Can you even call this a remake? It's pretty much just borrowing a title, just like the last series of Mummy movies, in order to tell a ham-fisted genre movie with trappings of Egyptian mythology, isn't it?

Edge of Tomorrow was actually enjoyable, and Tom Cruise haters get to see him die repeatedly in many ways, some of them hilariously foolish.