
Sad upvote.

Can he do the salmon ladder, though?

I don't know, it looks to me like he's got extra strength, too. He probably punches with the power of kicks.

I'm not sure anyone could have acted their way out of that dumpster fire of writing.

That seems silly to me. If the ratings are bad, cancel the show and bring him back for a team-up once or twice.

Also, CW is contractually obligated to hire five people a year with no eyebrows, in order to offset Roy's magnificent Eyebrows of Destiny.

Sometimes I think there's something "up" with the Lannisters on Game of Thrones.

Thea has always been a favorite on the show for both me and ze wife, even if her teeth whistle when she talks. Also, ze wife used to be forever googling where to buy her outfits, about which I will never complain.

Yeah, that's exactly what I was hoping this movie would be too, a dry and scientifically accurate survey of the ethics of real-world genetic engineering and oh yeah SHUT UP.

Just the scrotum? This is all done with miniatures, right?

Writers really need to convince their characters to stop vaccinating their fictional children.

Note to self: you really don't listen to enough Stevie Wonder.

I was going to, but someone else beat me to it and I still find it weird to shit on other people's shit, which is why I stopped going to music festivals.

I didn't like DoFP at all, really. Too many characters, too much time travel, just… dumb. I liked Apocalypse better, which is not to say it was good, and may simply because my expectations were set to "sure, whatever" levels by then. First Class holds up pretty well, it's a shame so much of its newness was

And that fucking soundtrack, man. Those are some classic action movie rhythms.

Don't expect much, and you won't be disappointed.

I wish you'd take your concern trolling and shove it up your metaphorical ass.

Compuserve is still alive, for legal reasons. The aging machines it runs on are developing a patina of rainbow colors. I'm not even kidding. I almost tripped over Compuserve's SCSI cables a couple years ago.

For me, even the ones I liked seem not-so-good in retrospect. I think Logan might be the first one I'll be able to legitimately enjoy a few years after its release.

The Hollywood Video I used to rent from is a video-store-shaped mattress store now.