
The only way Incoyld probably ever hope to see the epic BPRD: Hell on Earth adaptation I want is as an animated series, and I'd be ok with that.

Meanwhile, in the world of Hellboy comics, Hellboy is literally dead and in Hell, and the world is overrun with monsters, plagues, and evil while all the B.P.R.D. can donis try to figure out what's going on and occasionally help refugees flee another doomed city.

I love both movies, but you're not wrong. I watched them because I was a del Toro fan. Eventually, I checked out the comics because of them, and now I'm a Mignola/Hellboy fan as well.

Sure, he wanted to make it, and Perlman wanted to be in it, but the studio didn't want to, you know, pay for it. Maybe GdT and Perlman will re-work it as a one-man stage show off-Broadway.

But neither made enough money to be worth it to the studio to invest in a third one at the budget GdT and the established cast would require without including DVD sales, and the DVD market has died without being meaningfully replaced by remotely comparable revenue from downloads and streaming. Guillermo del Toro

His entire purpose for being is the destruction of life on Earth. Needs more puns.

Del Toro himself was admitting in interviews TWO YEARS AGO that it wasn't going to happen.

Yeah, fuck the guy that created the character and owns the rights to it!

Hey guys, I found Hitler!

It's actually his used jock strap, because it was a particularly nasty judge.

I want to see The Third Wish.

I'm happier living in the dimension where he's not wasting his time adapting shit novels from long-winded racists.

Congratulations on refuting a claim no one was making!

I lost all hope (not that I had much left) for American democracy when GWB — an incompetent trust fund moron "elected" in a season filled with fraud and voter suppression — won a second term.

I regret that I have only one upvote to give.

The problem with telling people to read that book is getting them to do so without knowing anything about it and also making sure they don't read the back cover. I mean, it's still great with foreknowledge, but so much better if you come in unfettered.

I found the worst opinion on Luke Cage!

I freakin' hate The Punisher, but thought he was done pretty well in DD. I ully expect his Netflix show to suck as the creators forget that he's a psychopathic serial killer and a villain.

Harold? Really? I figured the reason they didn't give Finn Jones enough fight choreography lessons was because of all the time and money they spent replacing the scenery that he chewed up.

It even picks up a bit in the end of the season, once the show is dealing with something other than Diamondback, the all-too-coincidental estranged half-brother, crime boss pulling the strings of the owner of the nightclub Luke decided entirely on his own to get a job at, psycho with access to experimental military