
Ward Meachum was mostly fun because he was so overwrought and melodramatic, not because the character or performance were actually all that good.

Savate and capoeira certainly exist, among others, but kung fu? It's at least kinda Asian.

Hostess is secretly behind it all. They've moved beyond fruit pies.

And she occasionally had some fears to work through?

Where "deal with" is a euphemism for "totally fuck up and then somehow still get jobs as a showrunner".

Wait, there was a badge for that? I did it for nothing, dammit!

Luke Cage says "I feel like I'm supposed to like you, Danny, but… I just don't."

I thought that was intentional.


Oh and then I want Thor to get confused and call it that by accident.

We don't know that for a fact yet. I just want her to keep calling the hammer "Mew-Mew", is that wrong?

I loved that, both because it was a beautiful and unnecessary detail, a bit of magic in the ordinary, but also because I've spent some time learning how locks work and how to pick them, and once you understand an everyday lock you can't help feeling a little bit amazed by the ingenuity of the thing.

I never saw portly — if anything, I pictured him as extremely thin —skin, bones, and a wiry tension that is somehow more reflex than muscularity.

I pictured him older, but faking it. Like, he's as old as he feels the need to be at any given moment, and most of that time that means he portrays himself as just this side of elderly, to make people underestimate him.

I've gotten used to Mark Ruffalo being Banner, but I really want Tim Roth to return.

Or Natalie Portman.

That'll teach you for trying to leech off hard-working real Americans, you fucking… teacher. Go call your mistress on your Obamaphone, drug addict!

I'm like… "idiot and moron used to have clinical applications too, are they off the list too now?" And then I'm like… "fuck, is this really the hill I need to die on? Is this worth losing friends over?"

I've always considered it to be sort of both, like he throws up in his mouth a lot and a mix of drool and barf sometimes seeps out.

Partially kidding, the bible is a piece of shit IMO, but we're not supposed to say that out lud.