
The bible?

I've been trying to replace "cocksucker" with "corpsefucker" when intended as an insult.

I think it would have been better to imply subservience without implying a sexual relationship, because of all the baggage of implying a sex act between two men you obviously disapprove of.

When I feel the urger to use "cocksucker" as an insult, I try to convert it to "corpsefucker" before it comes out of my mouth. I'm less concerned about the feelings of necrophiliacs than I am those of anyone who might choose to fellate me prior to my death.

"Your honor, I'd like to call Mister Trump and Mister Putin to the stand for a practical demonstration."

I haven't actually read any Iron Man stuff since Matt Fraction's run, not because I'm uninterested, it just hasn't made it to the top of the list. I'll catch up on it on Marvel Unlimited one of these days. I'm a bit disappointed with Amadeus Cho — his time with Hercules was one of my favorite Marvel runs in the last

By contrast, Superior Spider-Man was the only part of Slott's stuff I've read to really keep my attention.

The biggest problem I have with this storyline is there's basically no middle ground between those for it and those opposed to it. Marvel shit the bed with a terrible press release reveal when it all started, but I think that just jumpstarted a split in the fanbase that probably would have happened anyway. There are

The different symbols thing was largely to keep from having to edit out all the swastikas for German release, but yeah, when his goals and those of the Nazis' diverge, the Red Skull kills his Nazi allies immediately.

It's like 75% of the people commenting on it can't accept that Cap being a fascist is shown within the story to be a terrible thing.

Well, he wasn't one, until he always was. Because comics.

And when it does end, many of people wringing their hands over it will continue the same thing they've been doing all this time: not reading Captain America comics.

When it comes down to it, that's what the syndicated cartoons are for now.

In fact, dissecting the difference between Nazism and generalized fascism, while still showing that fasicism is a corrupt and evil ideology, is just the kind of thing I am into.

The "Spencer is condoning fascism" argument holds about as much water as saying "George Lucas condones embracing the dark side of the force" or "J.K. Rowling endorses the persecution of Muggles", though.

Also, they want total power and authority to enact their will. But yeah, that.

And one of the points of the series is that those people are still evil.

I'm enjoying the Nick Spencer Captains America titles, but I really wish they weren't expanding into a line-wide event.

… conditions which had never been met in the comic book industry before.

The crossover of Big Bang Theory with Gravity's Rainbow was pretty groundbreaking, even if it did lead to the suicide of that "bazinga" guy over how it tarnished the legacy of BBT.