
Totally agreed.

More than brainwashed, he's… been history-washed? Time has been overwritten, and Steve Rogers' unflappable idealism has been transplanted into the milieu of a fascist secret society.

Agents of SHIELD became a really great show so slowly that I have conniptions trying to tell people when to start watching it.

I'm reading on a trade paperback release schedule, but there's some interesting stuff being done with all the flashbacks to really explore the nature vs. nurture side of the change done to Steve Rogers' history. How does someone with Steve's personal strength and commitment to what he believes in change when he still

"Is Riri something they will cultivate or is she a token?"

I'm buying the Captain America stuff, enjoying it a lot, and would probably talk about it more if people didn't act like I just wrestled a newborn into unconsciousness when I say I'm reading it.

I'm not sure Infinity worked, I need to go back and see if it makes sense the second time.

That's my favorite reference that nobody ever gets!

5 months later, here comes the trade reader to say: yeah, pretty much this. Even volume 1 of the trade has pacing issues, although the world it builds and the general buzz on the title was enough to get me to pick up volume 2 eventually. Fully on board now, and they probably should have just waited a bit and done

I'm reading it in trades, so this is a good bit late, but the first volume really hit me with a kind of "wow, I'm… supposed to love this" vibe. There was a lot of table-setting, some legitimately interesting conflicts between ethics, morality, and what is required to be an effective monarch, not to mention the

(Make Kieron Gillen write everything.)

Surprisingly prescient comment about current Captain America developments, there.

Except when they work the other way and the single issues have essays or other backmatter that we trade readers will never see, and then we're the ones pissed off.

As a professional psychologist, I'm asking you to stay away from me and anyone I love.

Oh right I vaguely knew that existed at some point. I think I read the first brief installment? Was it any good?

… Joss Whedon did a webcomic?

Shrill. Bossy.

Oh? Canada?

I understood that reference.

Deliberately missing the point is a bad look.