
No, please take these pants-shitting things away!

Let me make you feel better about causing my death:

I gess the point being made is that the people perpetuating this trope share the desire for innocence, but want the appearance of a culturally approved woman carrying that inner personality?

I'd watch that.

That's what Maria Schneider said!

Deadpool is also a better comparison for what they were trying to accomplish with Suicide Squad — a character that's relatively unknown to the broader movie-going audience, an irreverent tone with a lot of dark humor, and an antihero focus who's actually kind of a jerk (or herks, in the case of a team film).

I was getting ready to harangue you right up until the end there. Nicely done.

I wanted to like Captain Marvel, I really did. The new costume design is great, I'd heard lots of good stuff about Kelly Sue DeConnick's writing, and the more I read the more I just didn't even like the central character. Hopefully I'll feel differently about the movie version.

I'm not saying you don't have a point (you totally do), but the next Spider-Man movie was gonna come from Sony this year no matter what Marvel did, so I'm just glad they got Sony to give them most of the creative control and share the character.

But I want to be able to experience just 13 hours of it a year, can you do that for me, too?

This is why I'm reading the comments but skipping the clip for a change. I'm nearly as tired of this "her's a complete scene from the movie" noise as I am of "here's the entire plot" trailers like the second one for Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Please have my babies.

I will be very excited for it, just before I am unexcited for it, which will come some time after I had never heard of it at all.

I want them to ramp it up. Have him go full despot, putting down open revolts, starting an arm of the military that answers only to him, killing people openly, just total nutbag dictator in charge of one of the most powerful countries in the world.

The tipping exemptions to minimum wage are nearly nation-wide. The federal minimum wage explicitly allows it, and few states or localities override it.

At least this one folds. The first 2DS was kind of a nightmare, aesthetically and ergonomically. But yeah, this one is a bit too pricy.

Was it… your childhood?

The amateur game theory of a bunch of passengers deciding when the pot is rich enough to give up their seats could be amazing to watch.

I think that would be a great way to do a Sandman series, but I still feel this is one that just won't work in another medium.

I've never seen so many people have such strong opinions about a storyline they refuse to read. It's sort of amazing. Of course, Marvel didn't exactly help with one or two of the most sensationalist and misleading press releases for publicity in recent memory.