
And Diamondback as a protagonist — one written to combine narrative traits that should have gone to three completely separate characters in a sane plot — was not a suitable replacement.

It was nice to attempt to show her doing her job, but there should have been a lot more of that, and better takes on it.

The comics did it much better. She had multiple cases, some other revelations about her past, and at least one messy attempt at dating before any of the Killgrave stuff came to the fore. She was messed up the whole time, but it wasn't explained why for a good bit.

Or Veronica Mars with a superpowered protagonist. OK, an admittedly superpowered protagonist. And more sex and drinking.

Upvoted, link left unclicked. Pristine. A true virgin hyperlink.

I read this for a second as "Richard Dawson is skipping…" and everything weirded out.

Look, over there, it's a shiny thing!

You're only hurting yourself.


I have not heard this and now live in fear of it.

OK, I wasn't going to bother watching the clip, but you've changed my mind.

Turns out the bald eagle was a pretty prophetic choice, overall…

Ze wife and I were driving in the mountains a few years ago when a big SPLAT of blood appeared on ze wife's windshield out of nowhere. I didn't get a real look at it, but some bird of prey was obviously carrying a kill overhead. The only thing that would have made that more of a surreal bird-asshole move would be if

They're such assholes that I respect them fully for it, and I say that as a person who has had to fight a goose.

New Warriors is happening as an action/comedy show centered on Squirrel Girl, also on Freeform. Night Thrasher confirmed.

An ethnicity swap would be pretty ok by me, too.

Her costume had the amazing ability to extend a boob window down to just millimeters above the genitals.

Ah, the "Tuesday", then.

Also, they got their powers from experimental drugs and were totally out to end the drug trade because 1980s. And Dagger's costume would have taken a truly epic amount of glue to keep it in place.

So you're admitting that you can't?