
What race were you before then?

I think there's an EP's worth of good material in there, but, holy shit, what an EP.

Was that a sly reference to Vindicator, aka Heather MacNeil Hudson, the leader of Canadian superhero team, Alpha Flight?

Jesus AV Club, this gets more and more embarassing. Just stop trying to do tech news. The word is "phablet", not "fablet". It's a portmanteau of "phone" and "tablet". It's a stupid fucking word, but it has just one spelling. This is seriously not your field.

I think it predated that.

(Most of Sandinista! notwithstanding.)

Breaking sidebar: most punks turned out to be assholes.

I know a lot of old punks, and many would agree.

Or Battlestar Galactica, where the opening of every episode for like three years told you that the Cylons "have a plan", but the writers hadn't yet hashed out what that plan actually was?

Sure, but this one is a really ugly head.

No on the all of the above questions. I just think Maher is an insufferable prick, and also generally loathsome.

Nope, it all checks out.

That would work too, but I'd just reword the dang thing.

Was the horse alive when Alex Jones allegedly began fucking it? Is it not possible that Alex Jones fucked a dying horse and simply technically didn't finish in time?

Knowledge Fight? Clever.

"That latter outrageous fiction is known as “Pizzagate,” and today, months after a 28-year-old North Carolina man opened fire inside Comet Ping Pong, the alleged center of this insane theory, InfoWars host and good pal of President Donald Trump Alex Jones apologized for spreading it. "

OMG, Cliff Huxtable is on GoT this week?

That would require someone on their staff care about hockey. I wouldn't wish that on them.

I find it weird that I'm, like, super-into it. I should probably hate it more.

Counterpoint: libertarian socialism is a form of collectivist anarchism.