
Well, not for the sword, but you could be threatening about it and get assault charges, or endangerment, or… wait, were you actually asking for legal advice?

This is what "not getting the point" looks like, everyone.

I have listened to Maher. He's a nasty, spiteful little man.

You lost me at "Bill Maher put it well".

It's not a silly fight to all involved, though.

It's a niche thing, but it can be done well, especially if the intent is at least partly satirical. See the aforementioned Battle Royale, for example.

Nathan Fillion is in a ton of his stuff, too. Although in Guardians, you have to know where to look (actually, listen) for him.

F'reals, Slither is so good that I sought out most of his other stuff, to mixed results. Super was decent enough, and a couple of the PG Porn shorts are fun, with the best one being the first, with Nathan Fillion. And then he did some superhero thing for Timely Comics or whoever, and it worked out pretty well for

"Instead of caring about this issue I disagree with, please focus on these other issues that I'm going to imply you're ignoring."

I still love that for his last Marvel work, he did a story focusing entirely on creatures.

He was one of the first comic artists I knew of by name, back in the '80s, even if I did spend several years thinking he was a woman for some reason. Bernadette Wrightson? Moving on. Truly a legend.

"It's a meat process."

No, the very idea that someone being offended by this shirt is "political correctness" in the first place is support for the right wing's campaign to demonize concern for other people's viewpoints for political gain. So you go right on spreading their myth and passing them the ammunition if you're into that.

First thing I did when I saw he was relatively local was try to find him on Facebook to see if we had any mutual friends.

You are really super-impressively committed to this shirt.

To many, the racist version is so commonplace that it is simply "how you say it".

I heard both versions growing up, although the offensive version was always a shock when you heard it from some kid you didn't expect to.

The comics are just terrible. The TV show is worse, though.

No, it isn't.

This is why I tend to follow specific writers more than characters, and read them in collected editions after the fact. I get spoiled all to hell, but I also get to approach runs in a more standalone way.