
That's exactly what Finn Jones is saying in interviews now. He's so defensive, it's just precious.

And he should also be a great way to directly confront the racial and cultural questions of Danny Rand as the Iron Fist. He can have really good points and yet use those to justify bad and cruel decisions.

I thought he was created for the Marauders/Mutant Massacre storyline.

Although moving to 10:00 also gave them more creative freedom. It's a quandary.

Paul Giamatti!

Even parts of the Elektra stuff didn't suck. But the last third of the season fell down all over the place, IMO.

The Punisher is a psychopath, and should always be portrayed as such.

The problem with Kilgrave is that they introduced him too soon. Possibly because they had a well-known and generally liked actor in the role and wanted to trot him out ASAP.

I couldn't watch more than two episodes of Badlands. So bad. Good fights, though!

You rang?

Lotz also has training in dance, martial arts, and… according to Wikipedia she does parkour, too? Damn, girl.

More than any of the others, Jessica Jones cried out for cases of the week. Literal cases, for her to investigate, because that's her job and it's what most of the comic was centered on. The Kilgrave stuff is deeply important to the character, but it shouldn't even have been mentioned until halfway through season 1

The Agents of Shield take on Ghost Rider was pretty good, IMO.

I absolutely agree about the "Seven Capital Cities of Heaven" storyline… all those flashbacks would really have blown the budget, though. These shows are made much more cheaply than the films, and that kind of varied location and costuming challenge can burn money fast.

I actually was really hoping that Danny would tell people his origin story and everyone would think he's pulling their leg and he'd just be too grounded to worry much about proving it, but it doesn't sound like this show has the writing team to stick that landing.

Perlmutter's a racist old windbag that needs to be ousted. They already got his hands off of all controls for the movies, and need to do the same for the TV properties.

Wow. I'm one of apparently many who bailed out around season 4, but… wow.

… Martha?

Actually, over time they've really… oh wait, it's Manimal.

Given that it's superhero comics, I'm pretty sure we'll get Good Guy Steve back again in the end, maybe a little bit the worse for wear in image or emotional state. I'm just hoping the journey there stays worth it. I've seen some liberal criticism of recent Sam Wilson issues as being too passive (or perhaps not