
Most of the irritation I've seen at has been from people reacting to coverage of press releases rather than actually reading the thing they're so bothered about.

It's actually a pretty good story, or at least up to the current collected volumes. I'm perpetually six months behind because I like trade paperbacks.

As it turns out…

I didn't see it until it was several years old, but when I did, I had to admit that Evans as Johnny Storm was one of the very few things that movie got right.

Dear AV Club Staff:

No, it's also a virus if you want your extremely limited method for screwing with a very small class of devices to get way more press than it deserves.

Does Freddy Krueger count, with his myriad of dads?


David Cronenberg's Giant-Size Man-Thing is going to be revelatory, but it's Jim Jarmusch's Hawkeye film that I'm looking forward to the most.

I just want Fuller to do a new take on "Hell Toupee" in the mood and style of Hannibal.

Oh wow, Jordan Peele and Bryan Fuller are collaborating? That sounds like… wait, shit. CURSE YOU DISQUS

Oh good, my checking to see if anyone else already noticed before I post this comment was not a waste of time.

I'm willing to bet that he was performing to the desires of his director, who then picked the most morose and emotionally removed of all the takes.

There were hints a while back that he was going to do exactly that, but it never came to be.

I really liked it. It's not on the level of Pan's Labyrinth or anything, but it's a solid film, IMO.

I'm not certain it's the best… but I'm also not certain it isn't. Top 3 for damn sure.

As solutions go, that seems pretty final.

In his defense, people often do punch, kick, and shout at Richard Spencer. And better for him to rely on their common decency than for them to wait around hoping he develops some.

Can we say "babyfucker"?

Let the Right One In
Free Willy
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark