
That's the first thing again, though.

I was so disappointed it didn't get renewed!

I came for the knife murders and poisonings, but I stayed for the tits and dragons.

That's… actually a pretty good job, Internet.

Also, huge hardware stores are often black holes for cellular signal, seeing as they're gigantic steel-framed boxes with rows and rows of shelves, pipes and coils of metal all over the place.

I've never really enjoyed anything by Rick Remender, so I've stopped trying.

There are some bad episodes and a couple of tortured arcs (an extended drug addiction metaphor comes to mind here), but even its weakest seasons have more than enough worth seeing them for. I envy you a bit!

Saga is awesome, but I would pay in blood for The Wicked + The Divine if they required it. I'm far more into Marvel than DC, but ak ok to live and let live there.

And telling people how good it is, widening his fan base, ensuring him greater income anyway?

"German aesthetics" is a pretty great euphemism here.

When you say the campaign went far beyond boycotts and shaming, and into bomb threats and "masked thugs" shutting shows down, is this something you can back up? Because that feels like it would have gotten more attention.

A big part of it was when I read that Kirkman literally had no end game in mind. He fully admits he's just going to keep spinning this out until people stop buying it. In a way, the fact that we stopped buying it is a vote with our wallets in favor of narrative closure. Also, there's just so many good comics coming

The great thing here is that it took so long that we're both right!

Because if I can't see it on TV, I'm going to do it in a church, that's why!

My interest level in a Lobo film is so low that I can't even be bothered to come up with a joke to compare it to.

In his defense, the words in it aren't very good.

I bought it for like a year, but that was mostly because I heard Neil Gaiman was doing an issue and I wanted to see what the fuss was about and then I guess I just kept buying it out of habit or something?

But with demons.

Wow, that seems kind of obvious and hacky of them. Freaking TV writers are always dumbing down the source material, am I right?

I finally dropped out of the comic at the Alexandria stuff, about a volume after they introduced Neegan and he smushed poor Glenn's head in. I'd have quit sooner, but my wife was still into it so I was following along in "sure, whatever" fashion. I hadn't been enjoying it for years, but it kept showing up on the