
Not really. He's way too busy to put in full-time comics writing and some of the stuff he did was pretty heavily delayed.

"Nelson will play Grampy, the woman’s father, […] who often takes advantage of his daughter…"


The Gilmore Girls: Nuclear Winter

My vote is for Lockheed.

100% agreement.

They have ads in the form of sponsored tweets. Maybe other ads too but I wouldn't see those because reasons.

It's entirely possible for a business to lose money. Over and over again.

Couldn't finish watching this. Possibly because the AV Club explained the entire fucking joke before I clicked play. Did it have an unanticipated punchline or anything?

Arawak men and women, naked, tawny, and full of wonder, emerged from their villages onto the island's beaches and swam out to get a closer look at the strange big boat. And then the murders began.

"Behavioral Science, the FBI section that deals with serial murder, is on the bottom floor of the Academy building at Quantico, half-buried in the earth. And then the murders began."

I'm not allowed to even obliquely refer to the existence of that book around my wife. And then the murders began.

Nope, sorry.

I read that as "if an Alien poops in the wounds" and man it is DARK up in my brainspace.

I'd rather see Prometheus five times in a row than watch Avatar again once, and that's not meant as praise for either.

Maybe he expects the same results?

But do they keep the part where the main character has to rape a dragon?

How to write a headline:

Jackman's look as X-24 was so much younger that for a split second I thought he was Schreiber until I refocused and saw what was going on.

I was really impressed that the trailers didn't even hint at X-24. I would have liked it if they'd also been a little more mysterious about Laura, but on the other hand her inclusion was one of the first things that made me interested in the film.