
And neither he nor Logan know just how efficiently they're being tracked. But the omniscient view of the audience knows, and we sit there just squirming at every extra minute they spend. It was hard not to blame them for what happens, but they lose Charles too. Because the damage is shared, it's a little easier to

St. Peter's cross was inverted because he was a metalhead.

What if… stay with me for a second… what if it's not the zombies but the survivors who are the "walking dead" of the title?

I'm a metalhead, an AV Club regular, and appreciated this article, and although I think I only have one release from Profound Lore in the first place (and it's the hip-hop one), I'll be letting them know that it's the last until they clean up their act.

Well, this is definitely helping the left look like we have Serious Concerns about Things That Matter and aren't the kind of Unserious People who use Unnecessary Capitalization For Emphasis when the italics tag is Right There.

Ok, sure, I'll buy that. People should know what form to expect their food in. I thought you were implying that some people eating chicken tenders might refer to their own food as fried chicken in some context and that's what you had a problem with.

A funny thing here is that the Sizzler course probably taught him more valuable skills than a real business degree would have, but that's intended as a condemnation of business degrees.

This whole comment section is stunningly sexist today.

Especially convenient since he has to stay silent to avoid killing everyone in the building.

I see a flaw in that.

Sure, except that "Blackagar Boltagon" is too freakin' awesome to dismiss.

On the rare occasion I end up at a wing restaurant, I like to order the boneless wings. They taste just as good, and aren't 50% bone and gristle. I'm not too worried about what this means for my manhood, credibility, or authenticity.

Are they chicken?

Indian food is the only way I know to make cauliflower palatable. Even slathering it in cheese sauce can't pull that off.

As a small government conservative, I only believe in spending trillions and trillions of dollars on jails for the poor, executions, wars, giant statues of Jesus, miltarized policing, really huge flags, and executions for the poor.

It's all good, being right is probably as much fun as being surprised.

I'm two episodes behind and may have just gotten a spoiler from Disqus notifications, but it's a spoiler that validates my theory-crafting, so I both win and lose?

I didn't come here to have a reasonable discussion!

Dying during routine surgery is kind of a downside.

Step 1: get a butterknife.