
Can we blow Mel Gibson up?

I'm still holding out hope that the whole Ego thing is a mislead.

Underneath Sorry and Boggle, up in the hall closet.

So did Mark Millar, it turns out.

He told me that, too!

So you know you're being a jerk, but just decide to do it anyway?

His connection to Star Trek has been scaled back heavily (and my interest with it), but American Gods might make up for no more Hannibal.

Similar, but cheaper. 15 years in, still the right decision.

Totes. I'm horny as crap but had the luck to be raised by feminists and learn some basic empathy.

You're saying that avatar pic isn't really you?

You've convinced me. I want nothing more than a Spider-Man series where he directly takes on rape culture, white privilege, and whatever else will make you as sad and angry as humanly possible.

Memories of Murder is great, but I somehow still haven't gotten around to watching Mother.

Since you went out with her, can I get my mom's new phone number?

"Here is Richard Spencer getting punched to Depeche Mode’s 'Just Can’t Get Enough.'"

No, it's the absolutely and 100% scientifically proven-to-be real carnivorous cousin of koalas.


Three hours from home, but I'm gonna have to try that at some point.

I have come to praise the dead!

I think the problem here is one in the article's headline more than the body. #clickbaitin'

We're old! High-five!