
So if this does happen, will California natives and their families be allowed a right or return? Asking for a friend. The friend is me.

No one loves you.

Blue dye was super-cheap in the olden days.

Hey, if California leaves, maybe the rest of the country will be Republican-dominated enough for them to re-legalize slavery. They already hold power by virtue of laws created to favor slaveholding states.

Which one would be the disaster, Independent California or the US without it?

Chester Ave.

Paul Giamatti is the obvious choice.

In a Greyhound station in Cleveland, there was a circle on the wall of the stall and an arrow pointing to it with the words "cum here and let it drip down". Someone had. Possibly more than one person.

You lost your chance at an upvote right there at the end.

I found myself wondering if I was perhaps too strident in my atheism when Hitchens put out a book for the cause.

"Super-kind" doesn't even cover it. It kinda felt like Maher wanted to have a weekend at a bed-and-breakfast with him where they could alternately talk about how much they hate Muslims and have age-inappropriate sex.

I'm still less certain. David may not have control of his powers, but David could contain identities (one might say personalities, but MPD isn't really a thing) that do control aspects of his powers far more effectively, and compartmentalize that ability and the memories associated with it.

Yes, because the grants are arbitrary in value and often more likely to be canceled outright rather than increased when expenses rise. The argument boils down to "a socialist policy helping the workers is bad because we rely on charity to provide essential support to the vulnerable and some charity will not increase


Well, any evil act short of being motherfucking James Woods.

So your point here is that there aren't enough services to help the homeless and drug-addicted, or enough grants to pay for them?

"I'm just asking questions", said no honest person ever.

[Standing, raucous applause.]

You're right about the height. But the walls were too pristine to be simple earth or material manipulation. The paint matched. To me that was the pattern of the walls being duplicated over the place where doors used to be. Direct rewriting of reality. It may even have been triggered by Syd's confusion and panic

David could even have a bandage under his shirt. He's wearing a new shirt, right?