
Mr. Robot is a really interesting comparison. I think both shows are interesting in how they center on a very damaged character and have unreliable narratives where that character's perception is concerned.

Lenny was actually written as a male role, but then cast with Aubrey Plaza with no dialogue changes. Whether or how that impacts your point, I don't know. I just found it to be an entertaining bit of trivia.

David's mental state may be affecting how he perceives the era.

After the first episode, we changed the DVR settings to save all episodes so we can binge-rewatch it after the season finale.

Wes Anderson + Stanley Kubrick captures a lot of it, I think. And it's a heck of a comparison to live up to.

I think that the devil is a construct of trauma and fear more than any one character. So more or less the same as what you're thinking.

"This afternoon's Time Travel class with Dr. Vacon has been canceled", or words to that effect.

I think that the "devil" may be an externalization of David's fear and darker impulses. The parts of him he is ashamed and afraid of.

32 years ago? 1985 wasn't…

I'm not convinced they knew each other prior to Clockworks. He may be rewriting Lenny into his own history, in place of other friends that fill a similar role at various times.

I feel like that's definitely happening. These people are telling him he's perfectly healthy, simply misdiagnosed — that the voices he hears are from others, but they seemed unprepared for his unreliable and ominous memories in a way that suggests that they are out of their depth with this case.

"David Haller has just learned the illness at the center of his identity isn’t real. He’s not a paranoid schizophrenic. He’s a powerful telepath and telekinetic, and it’s shaken him to the core."

Are we certain telekinetic mutant dude wasn't a stand-in for things David was actually doing? How many people actually took part in the rescue?

… while suggesting that they rob and possibly harm his doctor to score drugs?

There used to be doors there. It turned into a blank hallway with room numbers next to plain patches of pristine wall. The interior rooms became exit-less cells. He (she) didn't teleport Syd, Syd probably just happened to be walking through a doorway when the doorway ceased to be.


The thing about Li'l Mjolnir is that a really surprising number of people are worthy. Also, Thor needs some antibiotics.

Someone once described Office as the comedy equivalent of torture porn, like Hostel and etc. It's not about how well executed it is, it's about whether you can stand to sit through it.

Are you making a god? You're going to need more genitals. Both kinds of genitals. Scratch that. All seven kinds of genitals.

I'm a big fan of the MCU stuff for the most part, but I'll grant you this: they're going to have an uphill battle making Thanos the least bit compelling with the groundwork they've laid so far.