
I actually think that Extras is the far-superior counterpart to The Office.

In the Alias comic, it went a year before even starting to explain any of her trauma and mistrust. I wish they'd given us eight episodes of that and five of Kilgrave.

Daredevil season 2 totally did the mini-arc thing, though. And the first one (Punisher) was great. The Elektra thing was ok, but the Hand stuff was not only not baked long enough, but unfinished.

I think the other big problem with Diamondback is that he was three distinctly different characters sandwiched into one… Luke's brother who sent Luke to jail, the crazy guy with high tech weapons out to kill the new vigilante, and the crime boss who coincidentally happened to own the crime business behind Luke's

I felt like it was neither challenging enough nor funny enough… while still being watchable. Maybe the series will be able to go farther.

Yeah, my hopes were set quite a bit higher in that direction as well. It was decent, I enjoyed watching it, but I felt a little reassured if anything?

Legion is from Fox, the ones with the X-Men rights. Don't expect to hear them mentioning SHIELD.

And yet here you are, reading it, commenting on it, generally showing engagement. You're like a Nielsen viewer dutifully reporting their viewing of shows they hate.

I am so fucking lost right now. Can't tell if you're making things up as part of a running gag or that's actually from the books. I thought it was just about teenagers that turn into animals.

Speaking as a white person, am I alone in feeling that the movie wasn't all that challenging? I kind of expected to be conflicted or have to reflect on some of the characters' arguments but it wasn't nearly as confrontational as I'd expected.

Well, they're better at shamelessly manipulating a deeply flawed voting system. We have different strengths, some more useful than others when your goal is to make the world as shitty as humanly possible.

I thought about checking it out but then my wife said she watched some and it was terrible so I didn't bother which is obvious proof of my misogyny.

I was in charge of sorting his toe rings.

I feel like we'd be seeing or hearing about Vigilante a lot more often if that were true. Maybe they'll ramp that up, but I'm sticking to my theory for now.

It's tactics when you block the things that you oppose. It's spite when you block everything just because you can. The Republican Party's obstructionist tactics were spite-based. The Democratic Party's tactics are likely to just be disappointing and half-hearted.

I have played in an online nethack competition, and actually placed second in my chosen character class (Archaeologist) if I recall correctly, and I have a wife who is way out of my league. Livin' the dream.

In the interest of sanity, it could easily be a flashback scene.

My twitter usage has increased since then because I hate myself.

If you don't see the dead body, there's a chance the person lived. Ollie is getting really good at Schrödinger murders. The key is to turn away quickly, before the flames clear.

Besides, Prometheus' mask couldn't hide Roy's glorious Eyebrows of Destiny.