
Nah, Prometheus is totally the new D.A., Adrian Chase When they introduced the character, they framed him and Oliver with a knife between the two of them. Obvious symbolism is obvious, but fun anyway.

"If this is who (or what) we elected as president, then we don’t get to have nice things."

"I know full well that we’re in a bubble there. My grandma doesn’t know what a scumbag Steve Bannon is, and my bland high school friends aren’t up to date on the happenings of the Muslim ban."

I've done the math and even if I take out income tax and pay off the mortgage first, that pays for a lot of puppies*.

Johnny Depp's average employee's salray was $90,000? Nice work if you can put up with working for an insufferable douchebag with a violent temper.

I know nothing about Bedlam!

I love it. The focus on generally failed villains allows for a lot of comedy. His Ant-Man stuff continues a lot of the tone and even at least one of the characters. Unfortunately, that's been canceled. I'm not sure if Superior Foes was ever intended to be ongoing, but it feels complete in its 15 or so issues.

Well, I may have misunderstood then, because I figured the "-boy" part of "fanboy" was relevant to the point. Still, I stand by my point: without the context of the other Cap, Sam Wilson, whose series started several months before the current and controversial Steve Rogers one, any discussion of the Nazi turn for

Noted. :)

But if you see gatekeeping, that's certainly not what I intend. I'm all about inclusion. I just think the opinions here are short-sighted in the same way all the mainstream press reactions (and AV Club's, if I recall correctly) were to the original press release: a bunch of hand-wringing over the basic concept with

Well, if the author was reading it, I'd expect to see a bit more evidence of that.

They're looking for a small government that mostly helps to return runaway slaves.


Congratulations, you just showed more awareness of what's going on in the storyline than the writer being paid to comment on it.

Her role in CW2 seems unfortunately fitting to me, because the military identification has been so written into her at this point that she can't seem empathetic at all. I don't mean that in any kind of gender-focused way, the fact that she's a woman has nothing to do with the ways I find her offputting. I really

The only lasting damage this is doing can be attributed to Marvel's senasationalist press release when the story came out (thanks for the spoiler, EVERYONE) and the majority of the press, both the mainstream press you expect to be clueless and more generally clueful pop culture sites like the AV Club, completely

This review just restated all the hype from when Marvel first dropped the "Nazi Cap" press release bomb half a year or so ago, in a way that makes me strongly suspect that O'Neill hasn't actually read any of Spencer's Captain America titles.

Then only Spider-Man comics I've really been able to enjoy post-OMD are the Ultimate Spider-Man stuff (Miles Morales is so damn good) and the Superior Spider-Man stuff where it was different character in his dang brain. Everything else has been ruined by the retcon of the century, his sometimes troubled marriage,

Non-violence doesn't work against people who aren't ashamed of hurting innocents.

I say this as someone who has never been in a stand-up fight in his life: Richard Spencer is not going to take a swing at you. His role is to provoke someone you don't see coming to shoot you from behind. Your tactic won't work.