
Gandhi himself said that the reason non-violent protest worked against the British empire was that the British considered themselves moral people and could not ignore violence done against the nonviolent (words to that effect, the quote can be googled by someone with more spare time).

Your dedication to the cause is appreciated.

Spencer is wrong on Nazi-punching, but pretty much everyone criticizing his Captain America run hasn't read it and just hates having their toys moved during naptime.

Morning Glories is awesome, but there's so much going on that I have to reread it every time I catch up with a couple new trades. It might help if the artist, while very talented in many ways, differentiated the characters' looks a bit more.

This inspired me to see if Liefeld had ever drawn Galactus, and whether he had any pouches, but sadly/gladly I didn't turn anything up.

Thank you!

One fear I (and some others I've talked to) have is that Trump will flame out too quickly, and Pence will already be well established before the 2018 elections, with ample time to get any temporarily woke Republican voters back in line.

Once, when I was a kid, my mother discovered we were out of butter when she went to make instant mashed potatoes. So she used cream cheese instead. Goddamned miracle.

Why would anyone "blanch" at that? Polish sausage, cream cheese, and grilled onions? I've never had it, but you're speaking my language. Also, I should go on a diet.

Plus, I hate it when I lose the game by getting some of the characters killed and then they have to cancel the next movie.

:%s/crystals/Infinity Gems/g

As far as who gets DC, I honestly have to say I don't read enough DC stuff to judge. Morrison is one of the writers whose DC stuff I go out of my way to read, but his Batman run became simply impenetrable to me after a while. Loved his JLA run, Seven Soldiers, and All-Star Superman, though. Looking forward to

Mine is an Ecobee. So far, so good, except I haven't gotten Siri integration to work. I also haven't cared about Siri integration enough to spend more than five minutes on it.

I'm trying something different in mine. I can use healing items in battle, but I am not allowing myself to buy any healing items or Pokéballs. Basically the only thing I'll buy is TMs and apparel, and a daily visit to the cafés to get beans (also not doing Poképelago) gives me a status-restoring item once a day that

I have heard, second-hand, that they stay in better than the corded ones because they don't have the weight of a cord or the possibility to get snagged on anything, but I'd bet for sure that a small subset of people just don't have the right ears for them. I wonder how Apple feels about people sticking demo models in

Protip: grab your friend's iPhone and say "hey Siri, call me dicknuts."

My smart thermostat works just fine during a server outage. It may not know the temperature outside anymore, and I have to walk up to it to adjust it, but it is still a pretty great thermostat even then.

Old Man Yells At iCloud.

Not to mention all the sex with worshipful youths.

So they "would not have posted" it, but they don't exactly seem to be disavowing it either.