
What the world really needed was more of Jared Leto as Juggalo Pimp #2.

My Batmobile is filled with eels!

Comic writers working right now who are objectively better than Geoff Johns, an incomplete list:

"Cassandra Fear" is the most epic name I've heard in some time.

Griffin, that's the dude! I hope he does one as well, but he just had a baby and said he kind of wants to enjoy Sun/Moon the first time through, but I would rather he suffer for our amusement.

Pink Flag contained 21 songs and the average song length is 102 seconds.

I think they squandered a lot of momentum when they did Read & Burn 1 & 2 and then did Send as an album that contained like six of those eight songs again, and not even different recordings. There's good stuff in there, but too much filler. In between that and the next Wire album in 2008, Colin Newman started

You should check out Change Becomes Us from a couple years ago. It's all new takes on songs they wrote after 154 but mostly never recorded so they've only been on a live album or repurposed into a couple of their solo releases. They're all retitled and filtered through their current style, but if you're enough of a

I watched a 20-part YouTube video series of one of these dudes playing a challenge run in Pokémon Y. I'm not even ashamed to admit it.

There's going to be a script?

I think the kid isn't the butt of the joke here, just the engine of it. The real joke is Trump and his obviously awful patented by skills. Imagine having this asshole as a dad.

So the real issue he's raising is that the short video showed only the highly questionable animal treatment in a short clip designed to get people's attention and be seen by as many people as possible? People should have watched 83 hours of animal filming and then decided?

A side-eye is still user engagement, so Buzzfeed has won this round.

I knew this article was going to have to take a dig at vanilla ice cream at some point. Vanilla is awesome. It is not bland or some kind of a generic base flavor unless you're eating shitty ice cream or probably Dippin' Dots because seriously who has time for that shit?

I'm calling it: Deadpool 2 is gonna suuuuuuck.

It definitely had good pieces, the whole just didn't come together for me. And if you can figure out interstellar travel, I'd like to think you can figure out wetsuits.

I really disliked Signs, but that may be because a story of faith (lost, regained, whatever) carries no resonance for me, so I just wanted it to be a decent sci-fi alien invasion thing, and it really falls down when viewed that way.

I'm just gonna leave this here…

True story: my wife is about 5'10" and she and a friend met and took a picture with Glenn Danzig at a con many years ago. Just before the picture was taken, he yanked down on her shoulder so she wouldn't appear to be so much taller than him.