
Spoiler, maybe, from comics stuff but I'll bet it makes it into the movie: she has a third claw for each side, but it's on her foot instead of her hand.

I feel certain that they could screw this up (based on average quality of previous Wolverine movies), but at the very least their trailer editors are earning their pay.

I've had an easier and less guilt-inducing time giving a cat insulin injections than I have giving them most pills. It's the point where if a cat needs medicine that can't successfully hide in food, I'm going to ask if there's an sub-dermally injectable version. As long as I don't have to find a vein…

At the very least, the trainer should be in there with the dog, even getting in first so the dog thinks of it as safe.

My cat scratches at the bathroom door for me to let her in. She's successfully removed the paint from a four-inch strip at the corner. Adorable little fucker.

The longer the gap scrolled, the more worried I was that you were just gonna flip the script twice and go back to cock in the end.

What's the going rate to attach Stan Lee's name to your project these days? A steak dinner and a cameo appearance? A pack of fresh tube socks?

There are few things in life that make me as happy as the drum programming/loops in Godflesh's "Mothra".

Well, seeing as most proper Kraftwerk material is more of an outgrowth of krautrock than actual krautrock, I kind of have to agree.

Hot take: I have never been as disappointed with an album I had every expectation to enjoy as much as I was by Who's Next. What a piece of garbage that album is.

I've never heard this stuff before, and the "Transformer Man" clip in the article is… really, really good. I was alive at the time, but missed it completely.

My work is issuing dire warnings that if I don't install their shitty new security app (which actually makes my email authentication *less* secure, among other things), I will lose access to work email on my personal device.

The "real" timeline.

At least he treated his girlfriend like shit?

For me, Deadpool lost most of its charm on a rewatch.

Yo Yo Obama is my favorite cellist.

Oh yeah?

You realize cops have to pee, right? And if a few people get a plunger shoved up their ass while the cop is in the bathroom to pee, well that's just the cost of the right to privacy.

The tragedy of Extras is that so many people get their fill of The Office and figure Extras will be more or less the same thing. They should just watch Extras instead.

_anal sex with dad_