
Suuuper late reply, but what the hell?

At the very end of the trailer, the hat appears to be a living thing, which raises a host of other questions.

Agree to disagree? K, thx, bye.

I giggle when I fart.

If it helps, I probably phrased it more eloquently this time.

Unless the lawyers butt in with a lot of objections.

I see what you did there.

The recent DC movies are swinging for the fences?

I said at the time (probably on AV Club comments, no less) that it was less a trailer than a litmus test as to whether the viewer liked "Bohemian Rhapsody" enough to transfer that good will to the movie.

Oh man, I loved Kontroll. I didn't realize that Predators, which I found to be both perfectly ok and better than the original (super overrated, IMO) Predator,l was done by the same director.

I didn't see *any* of those in theaters! I win!

I never really thought about that before.

Please start a blog where you tell "speculative" stories about the thinly-veiled staff of Illustation Comics so you can tell all.

I figured they just kept all the bad guy teeth they knocked out and had them surgically implanted as a warning to their foes.

Upvoted for telling an anecdote about the time you were funny. 😼

And here am, just asking my wife to stand somewhere that nobody can see her feet.

I agree, but really, these are more cases where people could tell good stories using a jumping-off point of any basic, poorly designed character who has no history of compelling or memorable stories.

Shouldn't that be "flying space Hulk with laser-hands"?

I'm crying just thinking about it.

I hope someone bought that intern lunch.