
I thought that bit was hilarious because it was so utterly peurile and pointless and Patrick Stewart just dug into the role.

Right, but my point is that within the context of Rogue One the decision to fire it at lower power is completely arbitrary. The only reason to do so is because to use it at full power in Rogue One lessens the dramatic impact of its use in Star Wars*, and possibly even creates a narrative contradiction, if you take

It's possible that as a long time reader of the comics, I was just waiting for Mordo to make a heel turn and thus they didn't have to sell it as hard to me.

I demand that the actors wear condoms while they prepare blazin' crazin' cajun toilet nachos. And by "actors" I mean Guy Fieri. And by "Guy Fieri", I mean Guy Fieri's dad. And by "while they prepare blazin' crazin' cajun toilet nachos", I mean during every potentially reproductive act he ever engaged in,

Plus, drones means no American corpses, so voters don't give a shit.

I'm hoping it dies in development.

The overly literal gag got old fast, but… he wasn't purple. He was green with red tattoo/scar-like markings. And those markings came up in a comic book reboot of Drax a few years earlier, not one done for the movie.

Sadly, Mikkelsen's part was actually meatier than some Marvel villains get. I like the movies, but so many good villains and actors really have been totally wasted. Christopher Eccleston as Malekith was probably the worst — they probably shouldn't have used Malekith in Thor 2 at all, since his character in the

Well, until she's mad and then she shows up and makes you stop existing or something.

Sounds like Ben Affleck finally saw BvS and called his agent to see how much he can walk back from the franchise without getting sued.

I'm pretty sure he's just soaked in piss and jizz in that fetish costume.

Although it did feature the Death Star blowing things up all over the place because apparently you can't have a decent Star Wars movie without a fully operational battle station, after Empire. It was pretty obvious that the only reason they kept it to low-power blasts was because they have to save the planet

At least that's actually how Hela tends to operate in the comics.

Just one. Choose your moment wisely.

If you rewatch it, it really isn't ironic anymore.

The word has lost all meaning. Rejoice!

Hah, I haven't even seen the shirt, and almost asked if it was for Rocklands!

Which BBQ joint is that?

Oh sure, don't even mention the gold.
