
I'm likely to check out the virtual console a good bit if and when I take a break between Pokémon games (seriously, I just ordered Y, I might have a problem), and a big play of many of the available Zelda games is definitely gonna happen.

He said "LOL QED", so, you know, enjoy those six letters of scorn used by someone who doesn't even know what they stand for.

Hey man, I don't mean to be rude, but at this moment I am literally wishing for you to die.

I find it actively reassuring when 2016 kills someone I've never heard of before.

Apparently I'm some kind of fascist when I point out that Pokémon Go is very obviously not even close to being a complete game. It's like a proof-of-concept demo with in-app purchases.

And, in retrospect, kind of sucks a lot.


"Outside of Apple’s stunning display of corporate courage as it proclaimed the death of the headphone jack—in iPhones, at least…"

I will agree that, if done well, that could be awesome, but there's so many more ways to screw it up.

Bad news: they did another season after Children of Men.

The latest rewatch I did of it included multiple moments of me struggling not to call the character a rapist. But it's the ending people complain about.

To me it was more "I loved Robin, but it didn't work out, and then I loved Tracey, and it worked out, hello kids, and then she died and yet I still love Robin… one more try?"

I totally agree with you about HIMYM, and yet think you're an idiot for not hating the BSG ending (and most of the last season or two).

Ze wife and I recently did a full rewatch, and there are points as early as season 2 or 3 that set up the idea of the mother not being around so long.

I find your Elric references… pleasing.

I bought my wife an iStrapOn, and she filed for iDivorce.

I suspect there's a larger correlation here, and find this both depressing and validating.

Sorry, this makes too much sense, please delete it.

For me, earbuds mostly pop out when something pulls on the cord or I'm burrowing head-first through a river of human waste. I'm skeptical about the sound quality because I think Bluetooth is a particularly bad joke, but I look forward to the day we can have real quality in wireless earbuds.

Clearly, that's not the point.