Tampax ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Or stupid.
Stupid is as stupid does.

Meat and greet.

They should have swastikas on their foreheads.

What kind of men are you?

Now With the Fire and Fury of Dragons!

I rather think this shines a small spotlight on the inconvenient truth that there are, despite what we've been given to believe, various categories of "motherfucker".
My brother will be very interested to hear about this.

Quiet down out there, you two - or no AV CLUB for a week!!!

"Mom, I'm gonna nuke the leftovers…"


Nuclear winter is coming.

I will not choose CancerAIDS today.

"if the hand does not fit, you must acquit!"


Mount Rushmore is calling him home.

"…there are so many women’s stories to be told—even if just focusing on parenthood…"

Du Jour means "Go wild!".

Don't forget to bring a tally of up-votes to your next hearing.

I've seen a clown with orange hair and small hands.
Don't know the shoe size.

Why do dogs lick themselves?

Perhaps if they showed a picture of her laughing it would make it easier for you to picture her being funny…