Tampax ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Which button do you push to call your parents to come pick you up?"

At the very least, businesses that openly discriminate should be required to post a sign outside the entrance that warns that the place is run by a heartless jerk with no love in his/her heart.

You had me at "…end of the human race.".


I have a copy and was thinking about doing the same.
It's one of those "hate it or love it" flicks, and I was in the "love it" crowd. Musta been something in the water…
Like you, I became enamored with Posey during it.
It was also my intro to Rosario Dawson! As far as Alan Cumming goes, I think I saw him in Spy Kids

Where does PETA shake out on the "Sharknado" franchise?

Josie McCoy: If I could go back in time and change everything back, I would!

No matter how thin you make a pancake, it's always gonna have 2 sides.

I've seen interviews with Parker and came away with the impression that he and Stone don't take themselves nearly so seriously as the general public might.

When I first read the headline, I thought that maybe the planet Mars was shipping Skittles to Earth.
Where are the tariffs?

My friend is a staunch hater, but confesses that he gets really turned on by her.

Further, they could have painted it in outer space colors to camouflage it a little.

AV CLUB fantasy role play game.

Like her more, hate her less - shades of gray.

I miss Bill Moyers so damn much.


Sarah Palin ignited a populist revolution with her speech to the Republican Convention when she was John McCain's running mate. The sh*t flowed downhill from there.

Decades ago it may have been possible to bring a Mitch McConnell effigy onto the mall and burn it, but I think security's a touch tighter these days…

The bad old days before the "volunteer" U.S. Army….

Still one of my favorite shows.