Bruce Wayne

Ah, yes. I forgot to phrase it in a more PC feminine friendly way. Companies shouldn't do things that the fragile female ego perceives as offensive aka a ban.

Lmfao. The fact you identified it as an insult speaks to your insecurities.

That's the fragile female ego hard at work.

And if they really wanted to include sugar in their promotion, they could have gone with other healthier sources like apples, bananas, pineapples, carrots not the worst offender, soda which contains added sugar. Wonder Woman would be getting her sugars from more natural sources which is what their marketing should

Certainly not as much as the deeply, stupid, whiny crybaby you look like moaning over a product tie in. "Waaaah, Mommy!!! They're advertising a product I don't like. Waaaaaah. Make it stop."

Lots of protein is also included in their diet to generate lean, clean muscles. Proteins also facilitate muscle and bone repair. Proteins in general are a significant part of their diet especially for a woman who's body is under constant wear and tear from all that fighting.

You're the one calling it an insult not me. I guess feminism is that much of a joke to you.

You're not interested in a protein bar yet you're getting your panties in a bunch. I know the female ego is soft but this is just ridiculous.

You're asking if there is fat in soda and I'm telling you soda is the leading cause of unhealthy fat. Not to mention the other myriad of negative effects like tooth damage.

You're the one calling feminist an insult not me. Guilty conscience, I suppose.

Saying it's stupid is different from wanting an outright removal and ban. Try again.

Soda causes one of the most unhealthiest fat especially belly fat.

Oh, yes. It very much equals throwing a fit. All over a product that you're clearly not interested in. Clearly, Pepsi and Dr Pepper are right up your alley considering your silence on their marketing tie-ins.

That's rich coming from the woman who's throwing a fit over a product tie-in.

I did and it clearly highlighted that you can't handle anything that doesn't cater to your insecurities.

I've already read your comments regarding this.

Explains why you're caught up in your feelings.

No stranger than associating than associating her with a fat, sugary, diabetes product. Also, if people can eat whatever the fuck they want, then people are free to eat protein bars and the Wonder Woman branding is clearly targeted towards them despite how caught up you get in your feelings.

Found the feminist.

Point my ass. You've been caught out and have no explanation.