Bruce Wayne

Right because a can of diabetes is better than a diet bar.

It's certainly better than Pepsi or Dr Pepper.

What a self righteous piece of sh!t.

Translation: I don't know jack sh*t about Batman so terrible writing appeals to me. Screw the guys that know about Batman.

You're insane, Jervis. I've put you away before and I'll put you away again. Now, take your meds and go to sleep. Lights out.

Go to hell, Jervis.

I just didn't want people digging into my personal life.

Not really. He's protective. I like that.


Especially when she has a mouth on her.

Actually, it is.

He didn't punch her. He slapped her.

My butler didn't punch Selina. He slapped her. Watch it again.

Zsasz uses knives to kill not guns…