
I don't understand Rose's game. Did she want to have Mutter get caught? Is she working with Derek? Was she using Michael or just playing along while it suited her? I guess she leaked all the stuff to the press to get Michael fired.

And it turns out she's told some pretty big lies to Jane throughout the years, which is starting to feel like manipulation.

I normally don't behave like a teenage girl, but Rafael's blue suit was gorgeous!! So dreamy

Are they saying Susanna was Rose all along? Like, from the beginning? I thought they somehow swapped when Rose was "shot" in the hospital scene. #easilyfooled

I have to admit that Anezka's line “Baby has your sense of humor—laughing at others’ tears!” had me laughing so hard I had to pause for a while.

Isn't there a chance that the baby could be Ro's?

Me too, and I don't know why. I still like a lot of the ingredients in the episodes, but somehow I'm not as excited as I used to be. Maybe because I don't really care about the Derek plot and it's dragging things down.

I binge watched all of the Jane the Virgin episodes and went from falling completely in love with it to being slightly disappointed by the last few episodes. I still think it's a great show and the cast is wonderful, I just wonder how long they can keep it up. New episode today!

Omg, such a random post 2 years later! Thanks. Hope you enjoyed Sherlock.

I cannot even imagine that she would ever say that! I mean, she's a serious royal, you know.

Hey, good job! I'm still figuring out whether I like teaching or not. Can't say it's my favorite thing to do, but if I keep going the academic track it's part of the job.

First thing I thought of after reading your post was the guy from CSI with his damn sunglasses.

First Aid Kit are just amazing (not in a Chris Hardwick way).

Is knowing who Garbage are a sign that I was a teenager in the 90s? Or are they still very successful?

Exactly what I wanted to ask.

I've just read Deception Point by Dan Brown (came out in 2001). For some reason I had this book on my shelf, have no idea when I bought it, but I'd never read it until now. Found it quite adventurous even if I didn't care about the NASA plot so much. Whenever I read a book I think to myself "I should be doing this

Yes, we do! We actually have a crown princess, although she's not blond.

I liked this movie. I went in not really knowing what to expect, but had seen the trailer that looked entertaining. It was fun with some unexpected twists and turns. Obviously the experience was heightened by seeing the film in Sweden, especially in the final scene!

I haven't seen any of these films. I'm going to pretend it means I have good taste.

I could barely find it. If I didn't know exactly when to expect I never would've found it. I hate the new design.