
I can just tell from personal experience, but I've never had a break at
the movies in Sweden, so this is a new way of watching movies for me.
It's not particularly bad, it's just different.

Thanks! I don't think I could've chosen a worse day to come back, but it's still nice to be back.

Yes, I see your point and largely agree with it, although I think that the font could be smaller. However, my first comment was directed more at the Home page, i.e. the first page that meets you when you go to avclub.com and that one is too messy and too large in my opinion.

Shhhhh I'm at work!

Why is it all so huge? The pictures are enormous, it's like you have to move away from the screen just to get an overview of what's going on. Also, the AV Club Profile is gone, but many of you have mentioned that already. I really liked the compactness of the old design, you could see everything at a glance. Here you

I don't know whether the break came from the vendors and made people adjust to it or the other way around. My money is on the former, i.e. the popcorn man wanted to give people another chance to spend money. But I guess it's nice once you're used to it.

I asked some of my swiss colleagues today and apparently it's the norm to take a break at the movies here. In fact, he was surprised we had no breaks at all in Sweden. I was just completely shocked when it happened, especially for such a short film as Gravity.

Haha yeah I know, it's not nearly directly democratic enough ;)

What the hell has happened? I'm gone for 2-3 months, everything is completely redecorated and I can barely sign in. It's like… unfair or something! I hope this will work.. or I just created a whole new Disqus profile.

Yup, southern Sweden even, so it's very close to most places in Europe. That's what I love about Europe, there are so many different cultures and people living so close by. You take a 1 hour flight and you end up in a different country where you most probably don't even know the language! I wish I'd do more of the

Although the other person's story is different than yours (as you must've noticed by now), it's still two points for kicking cancer in the butt. Yay!

Good luck, let me know how it works out if you decide to try!

Just go ahead and try it a couple of times, follow the recipe as much as you can. I mean, it's basically just to mix a few ingredients together, wait for a while, then knead the dough into a form you like. I think that my biggest mistake of all time was forgetting to add salt. All the other times the bread turned out

Wow, we have two awesome cancer threads this week, it's amazing! We're all so happy for both of you.

I just realized why you wrote holiday weekend plans, I was wondering about that. Our Labor Day is 1st of May, so this Monday is nothing special.

Mmm smells fantastic! Here goes the Nutella now.

Yeah, it's quite easy actually, I mean there's not a lot of work, mostly a lot of waiting. The plan for tonight is to try out the fresh bread with Nutella.

The time I spent as a maid of honor for my best friend was long enough to teach me that weddings are extremely stressful and you must have horse nerves (as we say over here) to endure it all to the end. But it all works out and is then somehow a lovely day you'll remember forever. However, I hope you stay close to

Happy Birthday! I just sent a wrapped gift to my brother, whose birthday is also tomorrow (he'll be 25). Hope you both enjoy your day.

No traveling, just catching up with friends I haven't seen in a while. Hope it'll be fun!