

If Missy was in every single episode, I wouldn't complain. She's more fun that Clara.

I agree with that, I felt like the final season with Smith was definitely one season too many for him and I was losing interest in the show. However better than bad is still not as good as an Arya Stark, Michel Gomez or some fresh face who is selected specifically to match the current cast.

In a lot of ways it felt like a season finale. Which isn't a bad or good thing but felt really odd. It had a lot of back-lore for a premiere and even if I wasn't in on all of it I guess it is cool to do that kind of fan-service. Still, I'd rather they did the heavy fan-service in non season-premiere episodes to give

I guess I found it frustrsting as an ending in that is seemed more confusing than surprising or titillating. It's unclear without reading interviews later if BD is trans or not so that's a genuinely confusing final reveal. And the audio mix was bad for me in that scene. It wasn't clear to me what I was supposed to

Confused about the ending. Is the implication that this group of powerful people are basically Illuminati and white rose is in cahoots with these power brokers. Or has white rose infiltrated them somehow? Did White Rose do the hack for an insider sort of financial gain and was it implied they know elliott did it and

I felt like they weren't trying to disguise it but use it consciously as another way of implying Elliott was fantasizing the whole thing. It worked for, anyway.

I found that line jarred me out of the narrative as I immediately was conscious of shooting dates, adr ect and couldn't help but wonder if it was added recently or not. Really took me out of the story.
Still a great episode of a great show, of course.

Ah yes, it did, didn't it? I was sort of thinking of that one, I guess. I wouldn't call that particularly recent, not to split hairs. That was the best frigging series and it made The Walking Dead look soo weak by comparison. Brooker is God.

Technically you are right about Lost but you could also say they were all alive at the end of Lost too. At that point the show had jumped the shark and changed the rules so many times, having them all metaphorically be in purgatory while group hugging a in church that had every major religions iconography and light

I didn't feel like the first 9.9 episodes were about working toward and eventual evil or that we started off with evil winning. I didn't read the ending as evil winning either. I feel like the show was abut people in a weird situation that forces them to work out their personal issues, be it wife and mistress, father

personally, I would have found that a little bit pat, but to each there own.

no more or less hammy than anything else on the show. It is what it is.

I don't know. They had a couple options;
Everyone is happy, which is boring. Everyone is dead, which would be a pretty bold choice but no TV show has ever ended that way.

There are 2 more books in the series. Maybe you might enjoy it to check THem out. Perhaps the experience will bring you some relaxation.

They cover it in more detail in the books. The series ends about 75 percent of the way through the story and there are still two books left unadapted. Fair warning though, none of the books are that good. It's a real credit to the team that took such a boring book, found the fun in it and made it such a good show.

It's definitely Fight Club.

I don't know what AHS is, but that sounds like exactly not my point.

I'd be more thrilled to see the team behind it do something original and just as quality, maybe adopt another pulp paperback. One thing that makes this show different than most other shows is it's willingness to kill of main characters and destroy it's world. Most shows would never kill off Terrance Howard or Juliette

I guess. I don't know, I could never get into that show.