
such aggression on this website.

Everyone? How many people do you think are reading this, give me an honest estimate.
Is everything about perceived maturity with you and internet chat? You can be honest, we both already know the answer but you should feel like you are coming to it on your own for us to get anything from this.

You dropping knowledge.

I hope we both take each others points with us to open our personal therapy sessions as a starting place this week. Let's repost on this thread in a couple of days and do some serious sharing. We are doing this right now, let's get something from it.

Oh, I get why you are insulted. You thought that my choice of words implied that there was something socially inferior about you because of your pop culture choices and that bothered you personally. I at least get it now. I am glad we are talking about this right now.

I think we are both giving each other some starting points for our next individual, private therapist session. I'll think about the wisdom in your words for a little while, maybe a day or two, and then I will repost on this thread. I hope you will accept my invitation to follow up and share?

I'm glad we are talking about this.

Oh, I get it. You take personal offense to anyone that might imply that your pop culture tastes indicate something intrinsically inferior to your character. This makes sense now. You had to dig pretty deep but you did find a way to feel personally attacked by a minor choice of words.

I guess I need to hone my tv-episode review schtick. I'm sorry you don;t like my schtich. What an upsetting schtich to schtich out their in the world, in hindsight I see that.

I don't feel like you are hearing what I am trying to say and it's upsetting you for some reason.

uh, okay. Good to know.

Shakespeare often seemed to think so. Wedon said that in a show about danger, it's important to keep the stakes real. Obviously not necessary but I personally think it is cool that Doctor Who has a history of not shying away from it.

Sure, obviously, but there are plenty of episodes where the Zygons work out the threats of nuclear mutually ensured proliferation, or Capaldi does a one man episode MacBeth riff or whatever. There are certainly heavier episodes smattered in.

I would say about 25 percent of the episodes has been the usual ratio, for me anyway. At least 4 episodes per season, usually toward the end are just amazing to me, an adult.

I love Doctor Who and it's cool that it's a different kind of show every week. However, I am an adult and I like this kind of episode with people dying, hard sci-fi, big premises. This season had only one episode of this style and seeing this one made me remember why I watch.

After waiting so long for the final Capaldi season, it's been a lot mor miss than hit this year. Too bad we will never see a Capaldi with Missy as his companion episode as I have always hoped. It's tragic how underused she was this season.

Season 3 jumped the shark.

Clearly, it was unknown to the vast majority if it made a headline. Not everyone is checking imdb for season length regularly.

And you didn't read the article and skipped down to the comments to get involved for no reason?

I meant the headline itself is that it is the last episode. It was near the top of the headlines.