
I like the voice over and recognize that for it to be really fun, hammy extended riffs on dumb metaphors are part of the ride and I try to get on board. I support the spirit of the thing in principal, I just had trouble with this weeks specifics.

I usually prefer the week-to-week viewing method but have to agree that something about this show makes it feel like it will play better for 'binge viewers.' The episode endings don't really tie anything up in any sort of really satisfying way and I usually end the show by turning to my wife and being like "is it

He takes what could have been a really hacky show and carries it with mad chops.

I second Alex's comment. The pilot for Mad Men was similarly on-the-nose about advertising and has a lot of moments equally as cringe-worthy if you go back and watch it. It's the nature of what a modern pilot has to be more than anything, although I agree that even a highschool student could have punched up some of

Agreed, it would be kind of cool if it tries to be more than a Fight Club knock off but not holding my breath. The name makes it hard to recommend to people.

The funniest thing about this show is watching it with commercials. It has all the gravitas and pacing of a cable prestige drama and it can go from a moody meditation to a purposely annoying Geiko commercial on a dime.

The Fight Club thing is hammy and unnecessary. The 'debugging metaphor' wasn't really working for me and felt corny and forced, although nice try. Otherwise it's beautifully shot and acted. I wish the corporate exec "American Psycho" guy got more of his own POV and I was glad to see him getting his own arc this week,

I paid money to get HBO Go so I could watch it legitimately. but HBO only streamed in low rez so I bit torrented it because that was the only high rez option available to watch it in. I would happily pay money to watch it in real time high rez, HBO Go. Or, is make technically legal to download a higher rez bit torrent

I just thought it was a really, really messed up show. It's kind of too bad not every episode was actually like that.

That was the very first episode I ever watched.

all love in whoville my man. Sall good.

The Doctor: "You Won."
Missy; "I know"
that's a pretty direct explanation of what is going on. The doctor was finally admitting his weakness. She accused him of wanting an army and he kept denying it. I can watch it again but the doctor had made the decision to kill and had a killing device pointed at her with resolve.

I think the decision to kill made sense, he is accepting that he is no better than The Master and admitting to himself he just wants to eliminate bad guys. Which I think is the moral of the finale. It's just a moral robbed of poignancy.

I agree that it is kind of narrative blue balls to have him commit to a moral decision that would redefine his entire character and go against everything he has stood for up to here and not follow through. I would rather he either actually did it, or didn't make the decision to. Trying to have your cake and eat it

I agree, they almost purposely give you one version that is just awesome (I also have a version of the episode where Clara fucking him over has all the huge story implications it could have and they develop a very different and even more complex, if perhaps darker, relationship.

I think you missed my entire point to take umbrage at a small detail, but I also don't think the aggressive is tone is necessary when discussing a fun family show.

It's interesting the work Doctor Who makes of pulling punches. Doctor who makes the decision to kill but doesn't actually do it because a random character appears out of nowhere to do it seconds sooner to alleviate the thematic tension. Or Clara betrays him and it was all magically a simulation. The conversations in

I think the abortion metaphor was a full, intentional arc and this was a lazy writers through away line.
The abortion episode had 3 intergenerational woman debating if they should kill a baby standing around a big red button labeled "abort"

The first couple minutes had me thinking maybe it could be a fun little network show. But after the first few scenes it kind of got too scattered to really want to invest in and wasn't even fun-corny. I'll check back in half way through the season or next year and see if they find some footing. The actors really just

Or maybe they just needed to set up the line where he makes clear that he doesn't see what he does as particularly noble