
If I were in my 40's living in Chicago I would kill myself.

Its an hour long show meant for kids with monsters and aliens. You cam jump in anywhere and its dumb fun. Its not like starting The Wire in season 5 or something.

My girlfriend started on capaldi and loves it. She went back and tried to watch previous doctors and doesn't like any of it, for what that is worth. She finds all previous doctors too "kids show". We are in our 40s and new yorkers, fyi.

So, like, you report things that don't happen as news daily now?

The morality of abortion is killing a creature because it is inconvenient as well. Although I dont think the debate of was it or wasnt it is that important. The climax is a group of women standing around a giant red button labelled in all caps 'abort´ and if they should press it or not. I don't think it was an

speaking of, and I am usually one to delight in the scientific absurdity and anachronisms, but it was kind of an oddly distracting choice to have the whole thing be about how devastating the moon's effects on the tides could be if blown up, and then for them to watch the moon blow up on the beach where the tides were

I now would agree that parsing the nuance of it almost immediately becoming boring. But for me the exclamation point is that this show would even go there. It's like seeing a disney princess drop an F-bomb in that it is just the absolute most unexpected place to suddenly find this sort of thing and the actual politics

I agree that is in there too. I mainly am referencing the initial debate of the three woman with the 'should we/shouldn't we as well as The Doctors arguments for leaving the decision up to them. All that dialog was classic, archetypical abortion arguments. It was conversations between women with phrases like "Do you

I'm not reacting to the message, personally nor do I think the writers had some agenda. I just read the show unequivocally as an almost hammy riff on some of the abortion rhetoric and came to the internet curious as to reaction to this show going in such an out of character direction. I am honestly befuddled that it's

I have a lot of respect for your reviews, btw. You know your stuff. But the all female cast and a lot of the language choices during the initial debate seemed to be pretty classic arguments both ways. I would concede the cultural difference that maybe in the UK this issue is not as hot button but, especially when the

How do you review this episode without confronting the politics of it being a long riff on the abortion issue? Thats pretty outside the norm formthis kind of show, to say the least.

I agree they can be one note and forgettable, but if you think that throwing some weird aliens in to a weird setting because it is a fun sci fi show is something to criticize rather the celebrate, I feel like you might be denying yourself some of the stupid fun you are being offered. Why demystify the force?

I don't think it strictly implies bad work. There are a lot of episodes that I recognize as being the sort of thing that would be very entertaining to child but that I am just not the audience for. Matt Smith as an old west cowboy of dinosaurs on a space ship were amazingly entertaining if you were a kid. You could

Fry is lucky you have you worrying about him.

does anyone know of another site they prefer for episode reviews? I would like to read a weekly review of this show but have the same problems everyone else does in the offering.

Maybe we agree but are using different terminology. I don't take points off or give them to a director for story problems, as I blame writers.
Although, in total fairness, grading a director is difficult if you aren't actually on set. Who knows what actors gave shit performances he inspired or what got lost in editing

Good point. We had to stop the show, rewind and turn it up, just to be disappointed.

no, their livejournal.

Carnivale is an excellent comparison.
I saw a terrible student written play this weekend and they tried to create tension by having the characters talk about something in a way that made it hard for the audience to pick up on what they were talking about immediately. I was like "hey, I recognize this cheap, hackney

This was the first episode I showed up to hate. I had read a TVW review of the first 4 in which he eluded to a major twist in episode 4, so I stayed on board expecting a major twist that would maybe establish some sort of legit premise or give me something to hang on to. But this episode, I realized that was never