David Ly

Lol that would have been very hilarious haha it certainly would have shown how much transformation Henry underwent during his 'relationship' with Elisa (because we don't want to confirm or deny anything just yet) - imagine Eliza's reaction if it happened :)

If only we had a wishing well ;)

Good to know! I know what you mean by the American media ;) - the same could be said about Australia or any non-U.S country for that matter

I must admit that this show has certainly made me be more appreciative of the fact that good story telling and amazing yet 3 dimensional Characters can still exist in romantic comedies even if it so happens to be based on a play/musical
P.S - lol love the dedication and commitment :) awesome to know another part of the

Anything is possible with a a bit of luck *fingers crossed* - never stop hoping I guess :)

I'm quite comfortable with downloading but thanks anyway :) haha always wondered what it would be to live in Germany - more out of curiousity than anything else. Exactly! Just shows how much Selfie has impacted on a world scale - nice connection btw :)

I download the episodes - don't want to explain how but I have a way for doing so ;)

So much anticipation and yet so little time to really savior the moment lol - New Years' Eve cannot come quickly enough!
P.S: it is released over here in Australia a day later

Oh wait…awesome :) Thank you. Things just got very interesting…hehe Henry finally manned up I am hoping…

Possibly - you see it a lot for trailers so promos is pretty much the equivalent for tv series - of course if you want to go into not knowing much it is probably recommended that you avoid them

Didn't look after the potential spoiler part but liked what I saw - I will come back to this post after seeing it

That's a shame it backfired - I do hope though that some risks are taken in the finale which would make for some interesting viewing - after all it wouldn't be the show without it being the way it is (the one standing out for me was imperfect harmony).
Reciprocal on how much I will miss it.
Have an awesome Christmas

About 4 days left now, depending on where you live…the more I think about it but hopefully not over think about it…the more I realise that it's probably for the best that the show will (hopefully) end on a high note rather than a state of fluxuation…that being said we won't be able to know more about the all of the

I found it a bit disappointing that they didn't make reference to Tom Cruise's Edge of Tomorrow at any point during the Mud Run ;)

At least there's Christmas among other things to focus on before then - but if there's anything to look back, this nicely but tragically puts Eliza and Henry's relationship into perspective https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Thanks for that! Pretty much sums up why Selfie should be kept around longer :)

Yeah - it was pretty much doomed before it was shown - I am not sure about mls but I think anyone including myself would have followed A to Z a bit because the female lead was from How I Met Your Mother

Hope both of them get more opportunities to play starring roles in the future - more so for Cho than Gillian because of what you said about Asian romantic male leads

Exactly! Abc lost patience with the show way too easily without giving it a fair or even legitimate (for me anyway) shot at making it work - they should only consider or even discuss the possibility of cancellation or renewal after what you said - 12 or 13 episodes

They were the reason I watched this show in the first place - loved John Cho in Harold & Kumar and American Pie films and especially adore Karen Gillan as Amy Pond in Doctor Who :)