David Ly

Great examples - thanks for the recommendations lol. Yeah I know what you mean - if the romance or non-romance serves a purpose, as long it is justified and fleshed out it should work itself out to fulfill its end.

You have some nice points! This show certainly brings about great discussion and possibilities at least haha - shame it's ending so prematurely :(

Nice reference to 500 Days of Summer - an underrated movie in my opinion. The show has always been about Henry and Eliza and I think it would be fitting for them to end up being in a romantic relationship. I personally think the show deserves that ending due the chemistry between the leads alone!

Based on http://www.tv.com/shows/sel…, I think it is the case - will be interesting when considering what happened when he was singing that song…if you know what ;)

Saperstein sung “Wishing Well", didn't he for the karaoke?