David Ly

I strangely related a lot to Medianeras more than I expected. The trailer didn't really make it all that interesting but I was pleasantly surprised :) especially in this day and age when one of the ideas it conveys is being sheltered from the world. I thought it was clever that they worked in the *spoilers* "Where's

Just watched Medianeras - i.e., Sidewalls. Absolutely loved it - thanks for that :)

Anything is worth trying at this point - no fear, remember? ;) I'm not sure how much they figure that into consideration. I suppose anything from anywhere can suffice. Don't take my word for it though lol
P.S. Guest message was from me - weird…

Interesting interpretation. I suppose it became a case of falling in love with the idea of loving with someone as opposed to actually falling in love if that makes sense.Possibly, Henry was fuelled by the moment to the point that he was thinking in a way comparable to how he would have felt if he had a good idea at

I think you are right about him wanting to be make an incorrect analysis. Deep down anyway because he might of thought of making a move if not for his conversation with Freddy. I think it becomes very complex when trying to untangle it all especially when theorising what happened to Henry during Eliza's Chandelier

After thinking it about for a while, I think he probably did leave the building but not, in my opinion, for the reason you suggested. I think it had something to do with Julia. Here's my theory - Henry and Julia got into an argument but before she leaves, she ask Henry to decide and call her when he is ready to make

I retracted that part of the message - yeah I think so too - probably based on the lack of screen time in the second half of the season it's more of a mentor role - similar to the henry and eliza Relationship but of course one is more fleshed out than the other ;)

The last 5 minutes of that episode was so emotionally driven and so momentous in the context of the show that I think the subsequent episodes were a bit of a let-down as I believe the expectations levels were so high for a resolution at the time "Imperfect Harmony" had aired. When the show ended in an unresolved

Here's the thing - I believe Henry was scared of the possibility of him risking what he had with Eliza if he made a move earlier in the show. I think he underestimated the impact Eliza made on his …well willingness to express how he felt without fear of rejection? I think this was illustrated when he had conversations

Yeah exactly. Credit has to given to the writers for giving Cho as much screen time as Gillan - after all Eliza is not the center of the universe and not everything revolves around her ;) Just when Henry was beginning to open up, the show had to end up like that …sigh

Hoping something can be done - already signed the petition - last I checked its reached about 41k with the next goal being 100k - any chance you think the petition will make a big difference?

Cheers - just became NYs where I live so hope you and everyone here have a wonderful 2015 :)

I don't think Henry would have been ready to step in just yet. He certainly made just as much progress as Eliza but probably needs more time to step outside his comfort zone. After all how often have we seen Henry not dressing formally or even outside his work place? It's only when he's willing to put himself out

It's difficult to say - from a fan fiction perspective I suppose it is dependent on how far Henry is willing to go to wait because as you said he's a gentleman and after all he wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardise his relationship with Eliza :) I just think in an ideal world they be together and have ginger

Sigh…from what I have seen from YT there is only a couple of interviews here and there but there didn't seem to an upbeat or vibrant feel to what was promoted and I think that's what lost people besides the name and possibly the pilot - too much was made of the fact that it was social media driven - its face value -

If that is the case, I couldn't be more pissed off by Abc than I am right now - things would be so different if the show wasn't cancelled and we would able to see how Henry was going to deal with his feelings towards Eliza and vice versa. I think this "ending" would have been perfect as a season finale and not

So there wasn't enough time to end the way that they wanted so they had to give us what they had left?
That's probably why it didn't seem to be completely fulfilling

It's been my absolute pleasure :) Haha yeah it's been fun. I know what you mean - I think the early cancellation caught Kapnek by surprise and there was uncertainty as to how the show was going to end. Maybe if the show didn't end so early, Henry would have made a romantic advancement but I guess we will never know.

A very bitter sweet ending to what is an incredibly charming show with an awesome cast. Shame there wont be a "next time" but I am still satisfied by the ending. As much as I would liked to have seen more intimate moments between Henry and Eliza, I am proud of how much they have grown in such a short amount of time -