
I actually saw both of them in the role (I have a live theater addiction) and there's no comparison. Williams is a fine actress but she's too cold for the character. She didn't have the raw charisma needed to make you understand why people *like* this objectively selfish, kind of awful woman (I had a similar reaction

I'm a 32 year-old woman with a husband, and after seeing her in Cabaret I would consider an affair with Emma Stone (not really, but she's fucking hot).

also not related…

1) BOOOOOOOO Mike/Ginny romance. Not having that was the best part of the show.
2) Honestly, they're going to run out of plot lines anyway. there's only so many stories to tell with Ginny as the central character and they blew through most of them in an episode each.

I wasn't… but I'm jewish so maybe that's why I had a pit of dread in my stomach for the past 6 months…

yah but I think the assumption is there's maybe a potential compromise (a la West Wing) if you replace Scalia w/ a liberal and RBG with a conservative, at least that way the makeup stays the same.

while he has your attention, you may want to clarify that the lyrics used last night are from cohen's original version of the song.

Those are cohen's actual lyrics… they're just not in the jeff buckley version

I couldn't figure out a way to explain without sounding like a dick, since most people haven't even seen it once.

Plus Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson already has the market cornered on "teenage boy writing a report"

I've seen Hamilton twice (humblebrag), once before all the hoopla made it impossible and then a few weeks ago (with tickets bought last August). It's physically impossible for it to live up to the hype stemming from its timeliness. It's like Rent in that it needs some time before we can react to it honestly. But it's

it's a shame so many people know the music without actually being able to see it. The show itself is insanely powerful in the theater. made the Boy wait to listen until after we saw it.

Sorry, but Pete Davidson alone was worth the price of admission for the Music Man Sketch (although there was much more of a snippet from the un-changed song than necessary). I don't normally love that dude, but he had me on the floor for some reason.

You are clearly not a former High School Theater Kid… because that was the most amazing sketch of all time.

It feels like a really good ABC Family Drama. And I say that as one who has enjoyed several of their weird ass shows.

Why not just have a Religious Freaks vs Secularists season. How much fun would it be to have a tribe made up of a mix of fundie Christians, Muslims, Hassids, etc. against equally annoying atheists?

Nope, need her to stay free for the Lethal Weapon reboot with her and Arya that I'm concocting in my head right now.

The Commander Thinks Aloud is still one of the most poignant, painful songs I've ever heard.

Sorry Sam Page, you're still Dr. Rapist to me.