Meredith Lee

I'm going to just keep repeating myself but it's all for the sake of being positive. Fred Savage's performance was awesome. I liked pretty much any scene he was in.

good point….okay, admin person reading this or Jesse or whomever….what is your thought? Would your rating have been lower or higher if Fred Savage hadn't been in it playing Max?

me too!

and also alcohol…..

Oh, also….the bit about Marianne not RSVPing for wedding was not funny. She's 40 years old, she's never been to a wedding before? She doesn't know how weddings work? Does she have any friends? So rude…..

We're supposed to believe that agents only have one client, apparently and Ethan is Max's only client and yeah, we are to believe that Max and Felix have been dating for years…nothing works

honestly, and I'm going to stand by this, but Fred Savage is what saves this show. His excitement and general happiness comes through….I liked the toast, I thought he was funny with it and I liked that ending where he called Felix. I'm not quite sure what it is because I don't even think Fred Savage himself would

true…..then maybe there's just no excuse.

I was so waiting for her to bust out some Robin Sparkles

It takes them from beyond unlikable and loathsome to potential killers and also sociopathic…..the bus driver would also risk his job and his livelihood for these people? That was just too uncomfortable and too cringy and I almost expected a cop or someone to pull them over. Maybe Felix, after he was left, could have

yes!!! The drunk driving parts bugged me and the bus driver most certainly lost his job. Yes, there are a lot of moments where you are expected to just go….."oh, okay" ….but here, it almost felt like they were glorifying drunk driving.

I didn't quite see how they would have left Felix? The timing is definitely off

See, I agree that we needed more screen time with Max and Felix alone. I would have liked to have seen that conversation with Max and Felix where Felix agrees to like Max's friends. This is the episode where I think the show put the focus on the wrong characters. Friends from College should be about Max and Felix, not

I have thoughts on the next episode which I'll discuss then but I wonder if Nicholas Stoller purposely did not want to push Fred Savage too far out of his comfort zone with regards to acting? That because he hadn't done it or concentrated on it in such a long time…..Stoller went easier on him with that character? If

I think they should have concentrated on Max and Felix and moved the cheating stories to the background….the thing that makes this whole IVF thing unbearable is that you know he's cheating on her and it just makes everything so much worse.

I think they concentrated on the wrong characters. The Max/Felix story line would have been far more entertaining had they gone into that. They could have still had the affair and Marianne's bad play and the infertility stuff but I think if they had switched the focus to Max and Felix and how their relationship is

You know….yes, most people who love their pets could describe them and their moods and know every inch of their personality as well their physical features, know when they're sad, sick, happy, upset…have to use a rest room….but Marianne is "out there" so you….it's possible. If you want to believe….

Oh and let's not forget that she wants to continue being friends with wife of the guy she's sleeping with….that sounds almost sociopathic

The difference with Love is that even though the two characters are unlikable, they kinda have this bizarre, twisted sweetness to them which even though it makes no sense….you can't turn away. This is not that

Question for any doctors or lawyers who might be reading because it still keeps bugging me….but when Ethan breaks the glass door to the pharmacy in Felix's office, wouldn't there be some severe legal repercussions? Ethan basically broke into the pharmacy and stole the drugs he would need…he didn't wait for Felix to